Superman Vs. Batman

batman vs superman newSuperman vs Batman has always been a hot topic among comic fans for a long time. Because of their popularity, both characters are involved with many crossover battles against foes with similar abilities. Since Batman and Superman are both heroes, a continual battle between the two characters could not exist. Seemingly enough, the only reason for confrontation between Batman and Superman is for dominate leadership over what it means to be a hero.imageMany fans favor Batman because of his dedication to his crime fighting career. Bruce’s determination on becoming the greatest crime fighter he can be, pushed him beyond his physical limits. Wayne’s technology and resources also gives Batman an advantage over Superman / Clark Kent. Batman’s mastery of fear allows him to take on opponents more powerful than himself even if it means certain death. Superman has even considered Batman to be the world’s most dangerous man…batman vs superman2Superman is also a favorite among comic fans because he is one of the most powerful characters in DC Comics history. His superpowers allow him to take on most opponents with little effort. Flight, super speed, invulnerability, longevity, prominent abilities anyone would love to have. Even though Superman is an alien from another world, his values and morals are that of a good humans on Earth. Such great values and morals motivates Superman to use his powers for the good of the people. His normal persona as Clark Kent allows him to live a life as a reporter, keeping him grounded to world issues, thus helping him become a better world hero.batman vs supermanBatman and Superman have many publications where they would battle. Finally, the two characters are featured in the same, live action film: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. This is Zack Synder‘s take on the battle between the two icons. Who do you think would ultimately win between Superman and Batman?

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange made his live appearance on the movie screen with big success, racking in $677.8 worldwide. Scott Derrickson did well keeping the story of Strange authentic to the comics, with just a few story changes and excellent computer graphics. The CGI action sequences brought reminiscent to the films Inception and The Matrix. What do you think of Benedict  Cumberbatch playing as the Master of the Mystic Arts? Who else could you envision taking on this role?docstrange

Dr. Strange is similar to Dr. Fate of DC Comics. Their roles normally consist in aiding their world heroes against enemies from supernatural dimensions. In a battle between the two characters, Dr. Fate would dominate the fight because of his immortality and superhuman durability. This film is apart of the path leading to Infinity War movies. In the comics, Dr. Strange is among the major players in the war against Thanos.


One major change in the Dr. Strange story was having the time stone embedded as the Eye of Agamotto. Comic films have become different from their comic book blueprints over time, all to make the cinematic world a whole new universe. Five stones down, one more to go. What upcoming film will hold the last stone? Has the last stone been in plain sight the entire time?


Thor made his cameo in the mid credits of the film, aligning himself with Strange to help find his father with the aid of his scheming brother Loki. This could be a hint that Strange maybe a possible cameo in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok. If so, how will Dr. Strange be utilized? Do you think Dr. Strange is ready to take on the forces of Loki?

Black Panther 2018


Black Panther will finally get his solo release February 16 2018. Black Panther made his intro to the cinematic world in Avengers: Civil War. In the end of that film, T’Challa brought Captain America and Bucky back in his home of Wakanda.This film appears to be focused in Wakanda where the conflict presides. Andy Serkis will replay his character from Age of Ultron, which will have a more significant role in the Black Panther, bringing his story full circle between the two films. Will this 2018 feature be the beginning of a possible standalone series or will this character somehow be involved with the upcoming threat that awaits Marvel heroes in the Infinity War?




Sinestro was known as one of the greatest Green Lanterns in the Corps. With his own sense of power and control, Sinestro began to believe he could rule in his own egotistical way. Sinestro became obsessed that fear could establish a new order in the corrupt universe. His actions led him to the dark side of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. Once there, Sinestro became creator and leader of the Sinestro Corps, using fear to dominate his sector of the universe.

Would you agree Sinestro and Anakin Skywalker are similar, regarding their paths going from light to dark? Despite his rule, Sinestro joined with his rivals to fight the darkest side of the spectrum, The Black lantern Corps. During this battle, Sinestro bonded with the white entity of life becoming the first White Lantern Corps officer. Similarly enough, after Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side of the Force, he sided with his son to bring the Sith to an end thus bringing balance back to the Force.

With the release of the 2011 Green Lantern film, Sinestro has made his appearance to the big screen. Who would Green Lantern: Hal Jordan be without Sinestro right? In the post credits of the film, Sinestro is displayed exchanging his green power ring for the newly made yellow power ring, hinting the beginning of the Sinestro Corps. Since the lead role of Hal Jordan is Ryan Reynolds, who is now the lead dominate actor for Deadpool, a reboot film is a must for the future Justice League movies. Will Sinestro still exist in the cinematic universe or was this film the beginning and end for him??

Do you think Sinestro is capable of wielding the Infinity Gems?! With the Infinity Gems, Sinestro would even rival the cosmic bodies that power each lantern. He would even have the power to rival the guardians and gods of the universe. How would this power affect him? Would Sinestro become an agent for good or evil?

infinity gems sinestroComic Multiverse Fan Favorite artwork of Sinestro goes to DeviantArt artist, codename: felipemassafera.





Megatron is the leader of the Decepticon Army and uprising on Cybertron. Megatron was created by the Quintessons. His purpose for creation was a tool for war, being that most of his transformation represents military weapons and vehicles. As a gladiator champion, Megatron gained the respect and influential voice from the population on Cybertron. The name Megatron is short from his chosen gladiator name Megatronus. This political gain of power is similar to the gladiators of Rome, gaining respect of the people through undefeated battles.


Optimus Prime was a pupil to Megatron, believing in helping end the corruption in the governing body on Cybertron. The influence and power Megatron gained began to corrupt him. Megatron believed that not only Cybertron should be reshaped into a new order, he believed the universe should be reshaped as well, all in his image. Optimus believed all beings in the universe have the right for freedom than be ruled by a tyrant. The war on Cybertron began from the difference in ideals of a mentor and pupil.


Megatron appeared on television in the 1980’s in his original form, exactly as depicted in the comics. Megatron then became two versions of the T-Rex in Beast Wars series. The Beast Wars series is of a different timeline than the original Transformers. These different timelines later crossed paths when Megatron combined his spark with the original Megatron resulting in his dragon form. Megatron’s next animated form was in Transformers Prime, as a cybertronian space fighter, which was similarly used in his live action movie appearance Transformers 1 and 2. In the film Transformers 4, Megatron was reformed as Galvatron, a creation made by human hands than that of Unicron. Did movie producers preserve the vision of Megatron on film or has the various changes cripple the Emperor of Destruction?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Megatron goes to the DeviantArt artist PriscillaTR. Take a look at her amazing gallery!



SpiderMan: Far From Home

SpiderMan is back again! The last time fans saw the wallcrawler was when he died in the hands of IronMan in Infinity War. This film has fans wondering: When does this movie fit in the MCU timeline? From what we see in the footage, SpiderMan has two new suits, and it appears he has three villains to content with: SandMan, Mysterio and HydroMan. This films looks exciting and fans can’t wait to see what’s in store for them! Stay tuned for the movie review!

Avengers: Endgame

Avengers Endgame has released another trailer!!! This movie has been rumored to last over 3 hours, so this trailer is a very small fraction of what we will see in April. If you’ve noticed we haven’t seen Thanos appear in any trailers yet, but it was exciting to see Captain Marvel among the Avengers! So many questions need answering like: how did Tony return to Earth? Where was Hawkeye during the first battle wave against Thanos? How many heroes did survive the purge worldwide? Will Captain Marvel become Thor‘s love interest? Will the Hulk decide to face Thanos again or will he lay dormant once more? What is to become of Vision? Did the removal of the stone kill him? On April 26 we will have our answers, stay tuned for the movie review!


Comic/Reality Crossover


Powers and abilities of heroes and villains has evolved to greater heights since their origins. This happens through time, when new writers bring fresh ideas to character development. Crossover topics became popular among comic fans, making readers wonder which character would rank at the top of his or her class. Live action crossover films or animations like Michael Habjan’s Superman vs Hulk are exciting short films comic fans would love to see all the time. The is could be the reason Marvel has announced they will release the What If….TV series, further satisfying comic fans need for the many possibilities a story could have. Comic fans have speculated and debated on who the strongest heroes are and the most destructive villains throughout all the comic book universes. What creates these crossover scenarios is the focus on the powers and abilities of the characters and then how their strengths and weaknesses compare to each other. Comic crossovers has been created through many publications such as the Crossover Classics, Spawn vs Batman , SpiderMan and Batman and the Amalgam Age of Comics.

crossover publications

Let’s think about our own reality. The characters we know are all ideas from creative writers. With so much history of these unique characters, comics fans and even the creators fantasized on if supernatural powers could be real. But think, do humans have the hidden potential that has yet to be discovered? Stephen Hawking Universe gives us a perspective on our place in the universe and the awareness that infinite worlds exist in cosmos. The idea that the solar system is a huge model of how an atom functions, creates the belief that the solar systems of the universe could be the atoms to a greater being…..

Astronomers have sent out radio signals throughout our space exploration history, in search of intelligence. This was the inspiration for films such as Contact. Scientific studies have shown that the brain is a transmitter and receiver of vibrational frequencies like a radio, but much more powerful than any on our planet. Now think for a moment, what if the ideas of comic writers are in fact mental transmissions from other worlds in the universe that contains such characters and cosmic beings?

Lets’s look sci-fi films. Do you believe there are movies that hint some truths about the universe and our hidden potentials? In the film The LawnMower Man, the character Jobe explains that the unnaturally phenomenon such as telekinesis, isn’t new but a dormant natural function of man.

Humans are known to use approximately 10%-15% brain power. What will happen if we could use 100% in our daily lives, pushing the brain’s alpha waves to the maximum? Will we then become our original design? The human body has evolved and still evolving through each generation. Take this news clip of a boy who can see in the dark.

Haven’t we seen this before with Riddick? When you ask most people on Earth who created humans, they would answer by saying God. Is that the truth, or is that a myth told throughout time to hide who really designed our biological machines we call the human body?

Is it human evolution or self-realization? Do we have the dormant genetic codes that could produce feats of power some would consider unnatural like the world of the X-Men, or even portrayed in the popular TV Series Heroes? What are the true limits of our humanity?

Has human’ true potential been mentally locked away through the years of developing social structure such as religion, governments, and rationalization? What if the Matrix trilogy is explaining how to break such mental control on how we view our reality, from a worldly to universal standpoint?

Just imagine if everyone on Earth could use 100% of their mental and physical potential. Immortality could be very possible and the world order would never be the same. Instead of waging war over resources and power, we must come to realize that we are one race of beings among billions of life forms, intelligent and unintelligent throughout the universe. How are we to protect ourselves against natural or unnatural universal catastrophes when we are busy dominating each other? For example, movies such as Knowing and 2012 display natural occurrences that happen throughout the cosmos on planetary systems. This natural occurrence would be described as the planet cleansing itself. Or, movies such as Independence Day and Battleship which display intelligent life forms in the universe that may or may not come to Earth in peace. What real defense do we have against forces like these?

Comics books is another avenue that fills the void of such possibilities. Heroes are created with special gifts, natural or artificial that help defend against forces outside of human comprehension, till the day we learn to free our minds….

The Riddler


The Riddler is among a list of villains who has experienced abuse as a child from the father figure.( The Red Skull, Sabretooth , Deadshot….) An abusive atmosphere is the common background to most comic book villains. Despite Edward choosing a life of crime, Edward is similar to Bruce Wayne/Batman to some degree. Both characters are wealthy men, genius intellect and even have great detective skills. In various degrees, The Riddler is a worthy foe to Batman. But to Batman, The Riddler is nothing more than a mental challenge than physical in his crime fighting career.

riddler 3

The Riddler has made his way to the TV and movie screen. The Riddler features in all Batman cartoons series, but he got his major feature in film with Batman Forever, portrayed by Jim Carrey. In the TV show Gotham, the Riddler was portrayed by Cory Michael Smith. Will a new actor take the role of this mysterious villain, or will this villain ever make it back to the big screen for a second time?

riddler 4

Could there be truth to The Riddler’s 3D Box, which was shown in the Batman Forever? What if,..the purpose of the box was no different from the purpose of our own televisions and cable boxes…! The purpose to is to capture our mentality. For example, when you watch a thriller movie, certain scenes are equipped with music of suspense, capturing your emotion and mental state of the scene. It feels as if you are the character in danger when in reality, you’re the one watching a movie!! Now that we have 3D movies and 3D televisions, are our IQs really decreasing while spending more time in front of the television?!

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of The Riddler goes to DeviantART artist TLishman. Excellent artwork!

riddler fan art

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Movie Review!!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the biggest movie of 2017 with total worldwide sales over 1.334 billion. The Force Awakens had similarities to A New Hope and the Last Jedi wasn’t too far from having the same theme as The Empire Strikes Back. For example, Rey going to Luke on a secluded planet to train in the Force was similar with Luke’s and Yoda‘s relationship. Leia was making breakthroughs in her understanding of The Force in both movies. A battle scene surrounded in an icy environment with AT-AT Walkers are in both stories. Most importantly, the main premise of each film was to pull the new Force user into the fold of the dark side. Despite the similarities between the older episodes and the new, The Last Jedi turned out to be an amazing film!

At the end of The Force Awakens, Luke Skywalker makes his cameo, hinting that Rey will be his next and last student. Just as the Jedi of the past, Luke lived in solitude on a distant planet, fine tuning his powers in the Force. In this film, we’ve seen Luke’s growth in power since Return of the Jedi. Luke could manipulate the Force in such a way, he could astral project himself across the galaxy. In the battle with Kylo Ren, the audience believed Luke was actually there fighting against his former student and his forces. Obi Wan Kenobi was Luke’s mentor in life and death for three films. Now that Luke has become one with the Force, will he appear as a Force Spirit in the next films?

Supreme Leader Snoke has appeared in the flesh for this film! From what we have seen, Snoke’s power rivals Darth Sidious. Snoke’s relationship with Kylo Ren is much different than Vader and Sidious. Snoke is a master who is verbally abusive to Kylo, whereas Sidious had a friendship with Vader since his youth, before the dark side. In the end, both students slayed their masters but Kylo, stayed alive only to take the place as the new Supreme Leader. This was something that Vader wanted; to slay his master and make himself head of the Empire. Why did Snoke have a short screen time? With the big mystery on his character since The Force Awakens, fans expected to at least get the origins of this character and where he lands in the timeline during the reign of Sidious and Vader. Rey began her training with Luke with surprising results. Rey’s skills with the lightsaber improved, she split cliffs apart and even levitated multiple boulders at once. Rey became an important asset the Dark Lord wanted to get his hands on. Her effect on the Force is among the strongest of that time. Because of this, much like Vader did with Luke, Kylo offered Rey a place by his side as an apprentice to rule the galaxy…

Since the Empire Strikes Back, Leia was able to sense the ones she cared about through The Force. In this film, the bridge of Leia’s ship was destroyed, hurling everyone into space. Using the Force, Leia awakened from her rapidly freezing state and glided through space back to her ship’s airlock. This is a power never before seen in film. Finn has returned from his injuries he sustained from Kylo Ren and finds himself ultimately battling against his former commanding officer Captain Phasma. Phasma still has the objective to end Finn’s life for betraying the Order, only to meet her seemingly demise. What is unclear in the previous film was what happened to Phasma after Han and Finn used her for information? Anakin grew up with his droid companions R2-D2 and C3P0 during his time with The Jedi. These droid played the same role in Luke’s life when he entered into the ways of the Jedi. The bond between man and droid continues strong with BB-8 and Poe Dameron. They are not among the Jedi though, Poe just happens to be the best pilot among The Resistance. Who do you this is the best pilot among Poe, Anakin and Luke?

The film was exciting and action packed for the most part. The question will always remain: Would the Star Wars franchise be any different if George Lucas stayed on board? What were your thoughts for this film? Will this be the last of the Star Wars episodes or will more movies come into creation only to bridge the episodes together like Rogue One?

Check out exclusive statues for Star Wars: The Last Jedi!!