

Logan will be the third standalone film for Wolverine in a live action sequence and the 9th movie Hugh Jackman has portrayed the feral mutant. In the X-Men timeline, Wolverine when is an old man, no longer living as an active hero like in the comic series. From the preview we see that X-23 is making her first appearance in live action along with Charles Xavier, once again showing his partnership with Wolverine since the first X-Men film. What is exciting about this film is the R rating that fans wanted for such a long time with Wolverine. Will this actually be Hugh Jackman’s last performance as Logan?


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Saiyans are known as the warrior race with an appetite for battle and power. Broly is the deadliest and most powerful saiyan known to history and is also known as the Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly’s power level was so enormous at birth, it put fear in King Vegeta. Broly’s power level matched the King’s and it was predicted Broly will eventually surpass the royal bloodline. King Vegeta ordered Broly to be killed. Even though the attempt was fatal, Broly survived. As a result, Broly’s power doubled and at that point in time, he the strongest saiyan alive. The increase in power allowed infant Broly to shield himself and his father from the explosion of Planet Vegeta. Broly grew to become an uncontrolled superpower capable of destroying planets, solar systems and galaxies, all to feed his desire for destruction.

broly vs goku

Lower class saiyan babies are jettisoned into the universe, to selected planets to be conquered. It seems odd to DBZ fans on why Broly was created with a subconscious annoyance with Goku, simply because of his constant crying as an infant. This hatred for Goku remained with Broly into adulthood which is also confusing to readers to how Broly would recognize Goku in adult form. Goku was destined to purge life on Earth and Broly set to be executed. Through many unforeseen circumstances, their destinies changed, Broly turned out to be the destroyer of the universe while Goku became the protector. In all respects, Broly and Goku is the representation of the light and darkness of the saiyan race.


Comic fans often wonder how Broly would fair against the Z fighters’ most difficult opponents: Kid Buu and Omega Shenron. In the DBZ anime, all the Z fighters including Goku eventually tires out in battle. Replenishment of power comes from available senzu beans or borrowed energy, tactics Broly doesn’t need since he wields the legendary form. Broly’s power would increase dramatically during the intense battle and its even possible that in either battle, Broly could jump through the different levels of super saiyan. Kid Buu would need to absorb Omega Shenron to gain an advantage on Broly. Comic fans even discussed fantasy crossover battles between Broly, Superman and the Hulk. Superman and the Hulk have a lack of knowledge on ki manipulation, so how would they able to withstand Broly’s sheer force? Since Broly appeared to be defeated prematurely in the animated movies, DBZ fans refuse to let the idea of Broly die. Broly’s life is extended in the DBZ universe through video game storylines. Will we get a new set of movies welcoming the return of Broly?!..

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Broly goes to DeviantArt artist Wizyakuza. Check out his gallery!

broly fan art


Emma Frost


Emma Frost is one of many mutants who has used their powers for personal gain in the world.  Emma Frost used her powers to make herself wealthy and successful in every area she found interest. Now just think, how many people in the world would do the same as Emma Frost? What would you do?


Her beauty and abilities attracted the attention of the X-Men and the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Emma was invited to the X-Men to help understand her power and to protect humans and mutants as a hero. As a member of the Inner Circle, Emma’s powers are utilized as instruments to influence the higher society that controls the world. This is the reason why there is debate that Emma is a hero or villain.emma frost 3 Emma Frost underwent a second mutation, her diamond form. In this form, Emma can only be destroyed with a diamond bullet. When not in diamond form, Emma is a powerful telepath on par with Xavier and Jean Grey. Emma and Jean Grey have tension with each other because both are Omega Level telepaths that fell in love with Cyclops. Not only that both females became worthy hosts to the Phoenix Force.emma frost 4 Emma Frost has come to the movie screen in the movies X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men First Class. Even though her abilities and powers were displayed with unique style and imagery, her timeline was far off. In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Emma was a young teenager escaping  Stryker’s island with an older Professor Xavier (not to mention Xavier is not disabled). In The First Class, Emma was an older woman, battling younger Charles Xavier and younger Eric Lehnsherr. Did movie producers not realize the mistake in Emma Frost movie timeline?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Emma Frost goes to DeviantArt artist; codename: arabbit13. Excellent Work!

emma frost fan art


Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers was born of Earth and the Kree, a technologically advanced race of beings that are military based and the Kree have used their might to conquer planets to form their Empire. The Kree’s military function reminds comic fans of Frieza and his military might in the DBZ Universe. Carol has a large array of super powers that make her one of the most powerful female heroines in the universe.

Carol is apart of the team called the StarForce, a military team that protects the Kree Empire. This strike force is similar to the Nova Corps and the Green Lantern Corps. Hal Jordan, Carol Danvers and Richard Rider are humans that were chosen to become apart of their cosmic military factions. Hal and Richard was chosen by their predecessor because they were near death and a replacement was needed. Since Carol is half Kree, it was easy to have her powers developed with Kree technology. Hal and Carol share a common background as Air Force pilots, while Richard was a common citizen of Earth. The Nova Force is similar to the Central Power Battery on Oa , where power is administered to all soldiers who fight for the Corps. Later through time, Richard became the host to the entire Nova Force thus giving him the ability of the Xandarian Worldmind, which is very similar to the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree Empire. The main weakness between the three characters is their mental stability and focus. If for any reason these two aspects become compromised, the wielder of power have a great chance of becoming defeated. Among the three, who do you think is the strongest to weakest?

The name Captain Marvel originated from Mar-Vell, a male Kree warrior who closely resembled humans on Earth instead of the blue skinned Kree. The Kree Empire and Carol had two major run-ins with the X-Men. The Kree and the Shi’ar developed a peace accord with themselves to help take on the threat of the Dark Phoenix during her rise in the universe. Before Carol was known as Captain Marvel, she went by Ms. Marvel. At this time, Carol battled with Rogue of the X-Men. Rogue absorbed much of Carol’s cosmic powers. Super strength, flight, durability, and even immortality became a permanent part of Rogues powers, where usually any power Rogue acquires is temporary.

Marvel Studios cast Brie Larson to be Captain Marvel. In the cinematic timeline, The Avengers battled Thanos through his process in collecting the Infinity Stones to no avail. Many comic fans have wondered who is the new hero that Nick Fury has called for, and will this hero ultimately save the universe. Do you think the live action film of Captain Marvel will measure up to the other big Marvel Films? Stay tuned for the movie review…

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Captain Marvel goes to the DeviantArt artist NeoArtCore! Excellent Work!

The Uncanny X-Men


The X-Men is a super team in the Marvel Universe, the sector of the Marvel Universe where humans are born with a gene mutation that causes supernatural powers. These supernatural powers created fear throughout the world, but for good reason. Mutants such as Magneto, feel mutants should be in control of the Earth because of their powers make them godlike over the humans. The X-Men are protectors of the innocent (human and mutants) against the villainous mutants and the government.

the xmen

The X-Men was formed by Professor Xavier, who had a dream to help and protect mutants from the world. After years of study, Professor X turned his home into a school where he could teach mutants to control their powers. His combat team is led by Cyclops and Storm, even Wolverine is found in the forefront of them both, for his combat experience exceeds the whole team and the Professor. Jean Grey is the Professor’s right hand for the fact both are both are omega mutant levels and in the event the Professor is incapable to use his powers at hand, Jean is the telepathic backup. Over the years, the X-Men ranks have changed many times like the Avengers, either through new recruits or old members become solo heroes.

xmen film

The X-Men has accumulated a film series that outranks all comic movies. In this film series, fans can see origins of the team and even individual film stories like Wolverine and Deadpool. Bryan Singer is the director responsible for the majority of the films in the series. Even though the X-Men became very popular on screen, many fans feel that a lot of the cinematic timeline of the series was incorrect and not completely congruent with the blueprints of the comic books. Do you think the X-Men movies need a complete reboot or will a reboot taint the established legacy of characters and the actors that play them like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine?

imageComic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of the X-Men goes to the Deviantart Artist: Pant and David-Ocampo



Morbius 2020

Morbius will be the second villain of SpiderMan to have a solo feature. So far, this looks like Morbius will be a smash hit like 2018 Venom.   The way Marvel has the power of Morbius shown in this trailer,  they have its similarities with NightCrawler and Dracula Untold. Jared Leto (Joker in Suicide Squad) will be the man-made vampire, so could this movie lead to the Blade reboot or continue further to a possible sequel?


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Venom is apart of an alien race of symbiotes, when bonded with a host, becomes a powerful warrior taking on the personality and physical attributes of its host. What makes these symbiotes seem villainous is when they bond with a host, the symbiote would feed off the chemicals released from the host’s body, chemicals which are released when emotions like anger is triggered. Adrenaline is the chemical symbiotes primarily feed on. If the adrenaline isn’t released in a desired amount for consumption, the symbiote would find another host or dominate the mind and body of its current host( which is usually a superhuman) causing them to engage in extreme activities that would increase the adrenaline levels, eventually leaving the host depleted. Only way to rid oneself of these parasitic symbiotes is by high pitch sound waves or intense flame.

venom 7Spiderman was a perfect bond for the symbiote because as a hero with superpowers, daily crime fighting keeps his adrenaline levels at a high rate and for extended periods of time. Since Spiderman was Venom’s first host, every host after was able to have the powers of Spiderman. Venom became a nemesis to Spiderman after bonding with its next host Eddie Brock. Eddie had a deep hatred toward Spiderman, a hatred in which the symbiote fed on and acted upon as its own.

IMG_20150114_064904The Venom symbiote also has the ability to reproduce. Its offspring bonded with a serial killer becoming the villainous Carnage. Carnage in turn had an offspring called Toxin, which Carnage despised because it believed Toxin would be more powerful than itself and Venom. Eddie Brock eventually rid himself of the Venom symbiote, but small remnants of the symbiote bonded with Brock’s white blood cells creating the symbiote Anti-Venom. The Anti-Venom symbiote does not dominate its host like other symbiotes but does become active and protects its host when Venom or other symbiotes are present. The Anti-Venom symbiote operates like the white bloods in the human body which help defend and cure the body of viruses and infections.

movie venomVenom was featured in the live action film Spiderman 3, much to the disapproval of comic fans. Most comic fans expected a bulky powerful Venom as seen in cartoon and comic book, but instead received a smaller grade Venom who wasn’t as threatening as comic fans were raised to believe. The Spiderman franchise was rebooted in 2012 with better graphics and story line. Will Venom also get a recreated look? A look that comic fans would love and recognize as the true Venom?….


Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Venom goes to DeviantArt artist Scundo. What type of power would Venom have if it did bond with the Spawn armor?





2019 Captain Marvel Movie Review!!

In the ending credits of Avengers: Infinity War, Nick Fury realized the Earth was in danger and The Avengers were not available to face this threat. Nick sent out a signal to Captain Marvel, a new hero fans have yet to see on-screen. 2019 Captain Marvel grossed over $550 million dollar so far, overshadowing any doubt that Captain Marvel will perform well among the latest Marvel releases. Was Captain Marvel everything you expected?

Carol Danvers is apart of the StarForce, a team which is similar to the Nova Corps in the MCU. In fact, The Nova Empire and the Kree Empire have a peace treaty with one another, which created an uproar among many. We get to see this how life was during this treaty and the conflict it created with the help of the cameo appearances from Ronan the Accuser and Korath the Pursuer. Their appearance in this film help express their importance in the Guardians of the Galaxy film. Why do you think Captain Marvel is used in the cinematic universe instead of Nova, when Nova was in the original story when Earth heroes fought Thanos for the Gauntlet? What of Adam Warlock? Adam was mentioned at the end credits of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2. He had a major playing part in the fight against Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet. Will he make an appearance in the upcoming Avengers: Endgame film?

The Skrulls made an appearance in this film but their début was not as expected. Know as a villainous, devious warrior race in the comics, this version of the Skrulls turned out to be the victims of the Kree Empire. Mar-Vell was responsible for creating an engine which has lightspeed capabilities, an engine to help the remaining Skrulls evade the war and find a new home far away in the cosmos. Mar-Vell was killed for her secret project and the power core it has, which turned out to be the Tesseract. The likeness of Mar-Vell was then taken to become the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree, and this is where Carol uncovered the Kree’s true intentions which were completely hostile. In the comics, Mar-Vell was a male warrior and was known as Captain Marvel for quite sometime in comic publications before changing that role to a female. Do you think it the change for Mar-Vell was just or was it nothing more than a unnecessary change producers made to the comic story?

The Stones that power the Gauntlet are from cosmic origins and they ultimately control the fundamentals of the universe. In the comic story, Thor was the strongest Avenger to battle Thanos. In the cinematic universe, Thor’s powers have doubled when fighting against his sister Hela, then increasing to greater heights after receiving Stormbreaker. Stormbreaker was specially designed by Eitri to combat the controlling power of the Gauntlet. This means that the full might of these weapons are determined by the will of the wielder. Are producers trying to convey that Captain Marvel could be perhaps stronger than Thor in the upcoming Endgame or will she just become another team player? Avengers Endgame will release April 26, 2019 answering all questions on were this story of the Infinity Gauntlet could be headedRelated image
What were your thoughts on Captain Marvel? Do you think she measures up to the universal threat laid before the Avengers?

Be sure to check out the new Captain Marvel statue at Side Show Collectibles!!



Atrocitus made his introduction to the comic world in the Blackest Night comic series. The Red Lantern Corps is the third strongest corps next to the White and Black Lantern Corps. After losing his family to the Manhunters, Atrocitus was consumed by anger and rage, which fueled his revenge against the Guardians of the Universe. As leader of the Red Lantern Corps, recruiting soldiers wouldn’t be difficult. Many characters throughout all comic universes has gone through intense states of rage

After the Blackest Night introduction, Atrocitus and his Red Lantern Corps made a quick transition to television in the Green Lantern Animated Series Cartoon. This is the third Lantern Corps that has made a live appearance along with the Blue Lantern Corps. Will Atrocitus ever make it to the movie screen or was the animated cartoon series the first and last time comic fans will see the Leader and Master of rage?..

What if….. Atrocitus went too far to make sure his Corps was the most dominant among them all. What if Atrocitus recruited powerful Sith Lords or even Dark Phoenix herself? Can Atrocitus and his fantasy members be stopped?! To Be Continued.

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Atrocitus goes to DevianArt artists, code names: vassdeviant and xXNightblade08Xx .


Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire Trailer Review!!!

Godzilla and King Kong have returned together in their new movie The New Empire! In the first movie, Kong and Godzilla battled each other for the crown of King, resulting in a draw between them. In this new trailer we can see that Kong has discovered that his kind are not all extinct and is ruled by the infamous Skar King. Godzilla emerges from hibernation with a new power upgrade fans refer to as Super Saiyan Rose. What is the cause of Godzilla’s new power? Also in the previous film, Kong found his home and obtained a battle axe which enhances his destructive capabilities. Kong later used this weapon to help destroy MechaGodzilla , who was created to kill and replace Godzilla. Maybe in The New Empire, Skar King is set after Kong for his alliance with Godzilla, and the only way to beat the King is for Godzilla to enchance his power to help Kong? Could there more of Godzilla’s species as we see with Kong? Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire releases April 12 2024!