Ragnarök is the third movie for Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The events of Ragnarök takes place years after the Battle with Ultron, which explains Thor and The Hulk‘s absence from Civil War. Ragnarök produced $427 million worldwide its opening weekend, making it the top Thor movie among the three. The first two films took on a darker tone, with heavy elements of Norse Mythology. Ragnarök looked more like a Guardian of the Galaxy theme, with the bright colors and constant humor.
From different the comic publications to film animations like Hulk vs , a fight between Thor and The Hulk is something the fans love to see. In the first Avengers movie, we see the two characters battle fists before becoming “horseplaying” friends. In Ragnarök, Thor and The Hulk really battle it out in a gladiator style arena. This is one of the great animation creations that is made by big studios, as for companies and small projects like a 2D explainer video you can contact small services online to help you with this in your company.
Hela became the film’s main protagonist, followed by Surtur, the bringer of Ragnarök. In the comics, Hela is said to be Loki’s daughter, where in this film, Odin is the father. She fought by his side defeating the nine realms and help built his empire. Odin feared her growing power and locked her away, with his life force as the seal. Upon Odin’s death, Hela was released, destroyed Asgard’s forces, then claiming herself the new ruler of Asgard. In the end Hela was destroyed when Surtur was reborn. Do you think Hela was killed or will she appear for revenge in the Infinity Wars?
The concepts of World War Hulk are used in this film as well. According to the comics, The Hulk is exiled from Earth by the Illuminati. In the cinematic version, The Hulk left Earth with the quinjet thus coming to the planet Sakaar. It wasn’t fully explained how the jet left Earth’s orbit and traveled across the cosmos to the trash planet. Instead of being treated as a gladiator slave, The Hulk was living like a champion, in such a way he wanted to stay instead of returning to Earth. The Hulk gained more of his intelligence and speech. Even though on a level of a young child, Hulk is able to communicate with Thor and somewhat control his urges for rage. What are your thoughts of this Hulk? Do you think this film took away from his savagery?
Loki makes his return in Ragnarök, after seemingly meeting his end in The Dark World film. Loki fights alongside Thor to save Asgard, even though at times he has the impulse to double cross Thor. Loki is responsible for bringing Surtur back to life with the Eternal Flame, which was locked away in The Vault. Loki caught sight of the Tesseract ( space gem) he once had, do you think he claimed it once again? Dr. Strange made an appearance in this film, connecting with Thor’s cameo appearance in his feature film. Dr. Strange easily trapped Loki in a void where he was seemingly falling forever, but how is this possible? Isn’t Loki much more powerful than Dr. Strange? Being a Frost Giant and Asgardian, Loki physically is close to the gods and his mystic arts would be levels above Dr. Strange. Would do you think would win in a battle between Loki and Dr. Strange??
Mjolnir was destroyed by Hela, having Thor believe he couldn’t channel his power without it. Odin informed Thor that the hammer purpose was to help focus his energy, not the source of his power. He first noticed this with his battle against the Hulk, then later with his last fight against Hela. Raiden is also known as the God of Thunder and Lighting. Some fans believe Raiden may have chance against the Asgardian with his profound martial arts mastery. Raiden trained using his powers without the aid of an enchanted weapons. One major pitfall for Raiden is that his powers are limited depending on the realm he enters, where with Thor, his powers are boundless. His Asgardian anatomy will allow him to heal faster than Raiden in this battle or even taking little damage. Which warrior do you think will be the victim of a fatality? What were your thoughts on Thor: Ragnarök? Do you think this was the best Thor film to date? Leave your comments below and share!
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