Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix is among the most dangerous female villains in the comic book universe. Dark Phoenix is the evil embodiment of Phoenix Force, with Jean Grey as it’s host. Dark Phoenix wanted to separate everything connecting Jean Grey to her former life so destroying the cosmos would come as first choice. Trying to stop or even battling the Dark Phoenix would be considered suicide for whoever took on the feat. Attacking the mind of the host is the best chance in stopping such a force, as done by Professor X.The Phoenix Force is similar to DC Comic’s entity: The Parallax. When Hal Jordan became the host, he displayed much of his dark side as Jean did under such power. Cosmic entities merging directly to a humanoid host, amplifies the powers of the host at immeasurable levels, making them god like. The Phoenix Entity was even split apart to inhabit different hosts at once, creating the Phoenix Five. Do you think this Force could take on any of the Lantern Corps??Dark Phoenix made it to the silver screen with the X-Men 3 The Last Stand and X-Men: Dark Phoenix. The Dark Phoenix is portrayed by Famke Janssen, who played Jean Grey throughout the X-Men movie series. What is your take on the image of Dark Phoenix? She didn’t seem like the out-of-control Dark Phoenix who reign destruction in the cosmos but more like a darker Jean Grey. Was that the best performance of Dark Phoenix or could movie producers have done more to show the power of such a dark entity…Is it possible that Dark Phoenix can be recruited into the Red Lantern Corps?! What would become of Jean Grey if she harbors the Phoenix Force, then wield the Red Power Ring?! To Be Continued….

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork goes to DeviantArt artist, codename: ArtofTu.



Ultron is among the artificial intelligent beings of science fiction thrillers, which is a computerized intelligence that rejects its programming after becoming self-aware. The system would then eliminate human beings because humans are viewed as a threat to its evolution. Ultron has gone through many upgrades to reach his “perfect form”. Ultron is the first to be completely constructed in adamantium as part of his design enhancements. Ultron can control computer interfaces, the human mind and even the alien race Phalanx. 

Henry Pym created Ultron among his many experiments, but this creation was equipped with Pym’s very own consciousness, enabling Ultron experience human emotion. Choosing hate, Ultron hatred for Pym is because his existence was made possible by an “imperfect ” life form. In the film The Avengers: Age of Ultron, it was described that Tony Stark was responsible for the creation of Ultron. Ultron in turn was supposed to be the creator of Vision but on film, it was Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Thor responsible for the creation of the android.

Ultron interface is similar to the Skynet Interface System. When threaten with destruction, the two systems would create robotic soldiers (terminators / ultronbots) to defend, contain or annihilate the threat to its source. Over time, the Skynet systems upgraded its robotic soldiers to cyborgs, equipping them with human tissue for disguise. This tactic is used to help infiltrate and eliminate the Resistance. Similarly, Ultron wanted to destroy The Avengers from within, so he created the android Vision, but just like Ultron’s need to discard his set program, Vision broke free from Ultron’s control to join and help The Avengers take down the corrupted A.I, just like the T-101 or T-H cyborgs joining the Resistance to take down Skynet.

Ultron’s goals is to evolve, gain universal knowledge, destroy humanity, become omnipotent. What if Ultron gained control of Vector Sigma? If this happened, could Ultron then enhance his robotic armor to transform into vehicles of disguise like the Transformers? Would Ultron be a threat to Cybertron that the two opposing forces must join together to defeat this foe, or would they fall victim to Ultron’s new upgrade?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Ultron goes to the DeviantArt artist DeyVarah. Nice Artwork!!!




Storm is an Omega Level Mutant with the primary power of controlling the weather. The magnitude of her powers can be stretch from Earth to outer space. The depths of her powers led her people to believe she was a goddess, sent to help tribes thrive during harsh weather seasons. After being discovered by Professor X, Storm learned to control her powers at a great degree and even joined his X-Men. Her commitment to the team earned Storm the leadership role in Cyclops absence.

Weather is responsible for shaping the planet and way of life. We have even used the weather to harness energy and feed the population. Unstable weather conditions have taken lives, destroyed homes and cities. If humans could effectively control the weather like Storm, we could change our way of life forever. Humans could even have the ability to make Mars a living planet like Earth. Would Storm be strong enough to control the storms on Jupiter?

Thor is another character in the Marvel universe that can control the weather. Because of Loki’s need to test his brother, he influenced Storm to wield the StormCaster making her the Goddess of Thunder. If Storm retains her mutant powers while acquiring additional powers with StormCaster, is she stronger than Thor at that point? With the X-Men series making it to the big screen, comic fans got a chance to see the weather goddess in action. Halle Berry portrayed Storm in the majority of the film series, then Alexandra Shipp played a younger Storm in X-Men: Apocalypse. Is this the last we will see of this character, or will there be a new Storm if X-Men was ever rebooted?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Storm goes to the DeviantArt artist KokoroAiArt!


2017 Power Rangers Movie Review!!!

What were your thoughts on this film?? This version of Power Rangers is a reboot story based on The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers television series. The visual effects used for the movie brought the Rangers up to date with the other super teams in cinema. There were some changes made in character profiles, only to separate this film as a new entity to the franchise. To date Power Rangers grossed $142.5 million dollars from a budget of $105 million. There were many mixed reviews about this film, leaning more negative than positive. This could be due to the changes made to the character profiles but besides these alterations, this film was action packed with elements of humor and thriller.

Instead of being the creator of the Power Rangers, Zordan was the original Red Ranger. He died protecting the Zeo Crystal by sending a meteor shower to Earth. This was the incident that wiped out the death dinosaurs. The consciousness of Zordon was preserved within his spaceship, only to be reawaken as a three-dimensional projection of his facial likeness. Uploading his consciousness within a computer interface is a similar method used by Jor-El in Man of Steel or Dr. Will Caster in Transcendence. Once the teenagers open the Morphin Grid, Zordon would be able to be restored in a physical body. The new armor designs were sleek, very reminiscent of the Iron Man armors. We get to see for the first time how the Rangers morph into action, as the armor envelopes the body in an electrical silhouette. The armors worn by these Power Rangers seem to work similar to the armor found in the movie Max Steel.

The Zords were also upgraded in appearance and function. In the original TV series, the Zords are controlled with the Power Crystals of their Ranger and weren’t seen fighting individually. These Zords of the 2017 version, are designed to link with the armor of the Ranger, connecting them as one being. We didn’t see how the Zords combine into the MegaZord exactly like on the television series but the way the Megazord maneuvers in action reminds fans of the Jaegers in Pacific Rim. Do you think the MegaZord would stand a chance against a robotic life form like Megatron?

This film portrayed Rita as the original Green Ranger, who betrayed her team for gain greater power through the Zeo Crystal. Zordon attempted to destroy her with the meteor shower shown in the beginning, but she survived only to continue her mission for power. Goldar is introduced as a giant molten gold behemoth, which served like a MegaZord for Rita.

In the ending credits, its suggested that a new Green Ranger will take Rita’s place. Will the franchise stretch far enough to get a White Ranger as well? Who are the others that Rita spoke of that will come for the crystal as she did? Leave your comments below and let us know what you thought of this film!!



As leader of the Black Lantern Corps, Nekron is among the most powerful, cosmic beings of the DC Universe. Nekron is the most powerful because he is the cosmic entity of death, the supreme ruler of the undead. All living beings face their end in death for the exception of those who possess immortality. If anyone is far dangerous than Atrocitus, it would be Nekron. If Nekron was able to recruit the Justice League to his Corps, what do you think would happen if he crossed into the Marvel Universe and recruited the zombies? Is it possible that Nekron could control Dracula just the same as his other undead hoards?

Comic fans suggest that Spawn be a part of the Black Lantern Corps. Spawn and Nekron would be in battle for the rights to the Black Lantern Corps for Spawn also has supernatural powers over the undead as king of hell. Would Spawn be more powerful than Nekron since he is now at Omega Level? What type of power would Spawn wield with the combined strength of a black power ring and his necroplasmic based armor?

 Nekron and Mistress Death share similar roles in their own universes. Mistress Death showed a liking to Deadpool and rare occasion Thanos. Do you believe Nekron is worthy of Mistress Death complete attention? What would be the story of the cosmos if these two powerful entities joined forces?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Nekron goes to the deviantART artist; codename: meganagod. Excellent work!

Avengers: Infinity War Movie Review!

Marvel Comics has released its grand film Avengers: Infinity War!! In the first weekend, Avengers generated $630 million dollars, a number which would be expected after the big release of Black Panther. Marvel has grown consistently with its characters, resulting in them being brought together to save the universe against the galactic tyrant Thanos. Infinity War is a story where the heroes die and the villain wins. This brought huge interest on who survived because those characters will be the ones who will bring Thanos down and revive the universe.

Thanos has been traveling the universe looking for the Infinity Stones. What motivated Thanos to rid half the universe of its population was the destruction of Titan. From this experience, Thanos believed it was his duty to balance the universe at any cost. Thanos had a gauntlet constructed that could contain and control the powers of the Infinity Stones. Thanos tortured and killed to get the stones and was almost stripped of his power. The character of Thanos seems more passionate on film than in the comics. In the Infinity War events, Thanos was driven by his lust for death and mayhem and most importantly win the heart of Mistress Death. In the Infinity War film, through all the death and destruction, Thanos really wanted the divine power to create universal balance. In a certain point of view, Infinity War was a movie about Thanos and his quest to become omnipotent.

Captain America has returned out of hiding with Black Widow and Falcon. Black Widow has been on the run since Civil War for allowing Steve to escape capture. Falcon is also wanted for his escape from General Ross custody. Captain America was later joined by War Machine , who risked being court marshalled by helping Steve protect Vision from Thanos. Bruce Banner made contact with Steve, then later joining forces with him in Wakanda. Steve and Banner was last seen together in battle against Ultron. Captain America brought his Avengers to the Black Panther and the Wakandian forces to help protect Vision and his Mind Stone. At the end of the Black Panther film, it’s revealed Bucky is being rehabilitated from his Winter Soldier programming by Shuri. Bucky’s arm was also replaced, more than likely constructed with Vibranium. Speaking of creations and assuming Shuri lived, could it be possible that she will also create an energy shield for Captain America in a similar fashion like the Border Tribe?

Thanos forces located the stone in Wankanda and began their invasion. The fight in Wakanda was an incredible battle. The Wakandian forces were over ran by the Outrider army but then the tables turned with the arrival of Thor, Groot and Rocket. Ultimately, the Avengers failed in protecting Vision as he perished along with Black Panther, Bucky, Groot, Wanda, Falcon and many others on that battlefield.

Iron Man has upgraded his armor as he does in each film. This time his armor is based upon nanotechnology just like the black panther suit. With his nanotechnology, he can create different weapons at will, which take on an extraterrestrial appearance. After the invasion in New York, its safe to assume that Tony prepared his armors to be well equipped to combat threats outside of Earth. Do you think Tony’s genius compares to Shuri? How much do you think they could do if they worked together on a particular project like his armors? Once again, Tony Stark found himself in space on a fading phone call to Pepper. This time, Tony doesn’t expect to come back, more than likely overcoming his fears to save the universe. This anxiety plagued Tony in Iron Man 3, the fact of learning that the universe has alien races that could be hostile to Earth. Even with the upgrade, Tony was no match for Thanos and found himself stranded on Titan with Nebula. Tony and Nebula was among the lucky ones who was spared from Thanos purge.

The Hulk played an interesting role, In the comic version of Infinity War, it was the Silver Surfer who crashed landed in Dr. Strange’s sanctum and warned Strange of the pending threat to Earth. Also, Thanos quest for the stones was complete, as he was just merely killing for amusement with his godlike powers. In this Avengers film, The Hulk was sent to Earth through the BiFrost by Heimdall, before he was killed. When the war on Earth began, Bruce was unable to transform into the Hulk, so Bruce was forced to use the Hulk Buster Armor. Why do you think the Hulk didn’t fight? Was he in fear of Thanos from his first defeat? Neither The Hulk or the Hulk Buster Bruce Banner was a match for Thanos. Even though badly defeated, Bruce is among the survived heroes.

SpiderMan plays the sidekick to Iron Man once again. In SpiderMan Homecoming, Tony created an iron version of Peter’s costume in hopes he would join the Avengers. Peter did decline the team membership and the iron suit, but kept the upgraded spandex costume. The Iron Spider suit made but made an explosive return in this film. Tony constructed the mechanical spider legs within the suit as seen in the comics. Much like Tony’s armor, the Iron Spider also has the ability to survive space. Peter became a part of the rescue to save Dr. Strange from a ship headed to Titan. Because of Peter’s decision to stay and fight, Tony appointed SpiderMan as an official Avenger. He fought well against Thanos and almost succeeded in removing the gauntlet from his hand. Peter fell short of his goal and perished a painless death. This put Tony in complete shock and grief because he knew Titan was a one-way ticket and a mission, he thought was too big for his apprentice.

The Guardians of the Galaxy is another great addition to Infinity War. They rescued Thor from the aftermath of Thanos onslaught. Gamora became an important piece on retrieving the Soul Stone . She knew of this so she requested StarLord to end her life when the time comes. Groot and Rocket joined Thor on his mission to kill Thanos while the rest of the Guardians formed their plan to retrieve the Reality Stone before Thanos could. Thanos was a few steps ahead of the team as he already had the stone. He later tortured Nebula to have Gamora show the location of the Soul Stone. To get the Soul Stone, Thanos must take the life of a loved one and Gamora was his choice. StarLord, Drax, Mantis and Nebula joined Tony, Spiderman and Dr. Strange on Titan to battle Thanos. The only survivors on the Titan battle was Nebula and Iron Man.

Infinity War picks up at the end of Ragnarok when the Asgardian ship is met by Thanos. Everyone aboard Thor’s ship were slaughtered, leaving Thor and Hulk sole survivors. Thor believed the only way to defeat Thanos is to create a new hammer. His hammer was constructed as StormBreaker, with the sole purpose of killing Thanos. The weapon also had the power of the BiFrost. With this combination, Thor can reach any part of the universe and realms at will. To use the Bifrost, wouldn’t Thor need the eyes of Heimdall to guide his destinations between time and space?

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So, fans ask, why did producers cut this scene out the film? This would have taken place after Groot completed the hammer, then we could see Thor activate the BiFrost to arrive in Wakanda.

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However, StormBreaker gave Thor immense power. Thor arrives on Wakanda to aid his Avengers, causing the opposing army to flee in fear. Thor was able to seriously injure Thanos even after the Gauntlet was complete. Could this mean that StormBreaker is stronger than the Gauntlet? Or if on the same level, could the difference in power really depended on the wielder? In the movie, Thanos retreated from the lethal blow before sending his command to rid half of the universe of life. Thor was able to stand among the survived heroes of the purge.

Loki played the Master of Mischief to the end. In Ragnorak, there was a moment where Loki catch sight of his old prize, the Tesseract. After his defeat in the Thor film, Loki allied himself with Thanos for greater power. His task was to retrieve the Cosmic Cube from Earth. Loki was severely sidetracked when collecting the Cube for Thanos but in this film, the mission comes full circle when Thanos storms the Asgardian ship looking for it. What’s also interesting about the Tesseract is that it didn’t kill the Red Skull , but teleported him to Vormir to become the keeper of the Soul Stone. Loki in his last act, tries to kill Thanos to save Thor and avenge Asgard. Thanos chokes Loki until his neck breaks. Thanos seemed aware of Loki’s ability to escape death, so he insured it wouldn’t be the case this time around. If Loki took the Casket of Ancient Winters from Asgard’s Vault at the time he took the Tesseract, could he have defeated Thanos and his forces, prevented his death and saved the Asgardian people?

Vision and Wanda’s relationship has grown since Age of Ultron. Vision has developed the technique to make his appearance more human. It could be for the reasons to blend into society when on the run and to make Wanda feel more comfortable in her feeling for an android. Since Vision has the Mind Stone integrated in his head, he could sense the impending invasion by Thanos. Vision entrusted Wanda to destroy the Mind Stone if Thanos could not be stopped. Wanda was forced to destroy the stone and as a result Vision was vaporized. This was undone seconds later by Thanos with the power of the Time Stone. Thanos pulled the Mind Stone from Vision’s forehead, causing his deactivation and Wanda dies as many others by disintegration. During the surgery, Shuri was nearly complete removing the stone from Vision. Is it possible that Shuri has done just enough to have Vision revived without the use of the Mind Stone?

Doctor Strange is an important player to this event because he was the protector of the Time Stone. He is able to fight off Thanos forces with his complex powers but later gave away the Time Stone to spare the life of Tony Stark. Some fans believed Dr. Strange gave the stone away because he explored the future where Thanos could be defeated and that future required Thanos to have the gem. The role of Dr. Strange is different on-screen then the comic book event. In the comic event, Dr. Strange didn’t engage in battle but more or less assisting Earth’s heroes from a safe location. After handing Thanos the stone in Infinity War, Strange dies without worry as if he knows he made the right decision, and it was up to Tony to pull himself together and defeat Thanos.

This film was loosely based on the comic books Infinity War and Infinity Gauntlet. In both issues, there are many more characters involved in this epic war than we seen in the film. The Black Panther was in neither comic story but made a great addition to the cinematic universe. Also in the comic books, Adam Warlock is the Guardian of the Soul Stone and he is to be the leader for Earth’s heroes against Thanos. Adam was mentioned at the ending of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, will he make an appearance in this galactic battle? In the credits scene of Infinity War, Nick Fury was seen sending a distress signal to what appears to be Captain Marvel. Will she along with Adam Warlock battle Thanos in the next film? What about the Celestials? Will the gods of the universe band together on a cosmic scale and fight Thanos as we seen in the comics? Disney has bought the rights to some Fox Marvel characters such as the X-Men. Could they make an appearance in the next film? With a lot of Earth’s population gone what will be the premise of the next movie? So, how do rate Avengers Infinity War?

Leave your comments below and Check Out These Exclusive Collectibles For Avengers: Infinity War!!


X-Men: Apocalypse Movie Review!!!

xmen movie apocalpse

Movie Review!!!

X-Men Apocalypse is the ninth film of the X-Men movie series. Its opening weekend worldwide brought in $265.8 million dollars. This is a low, first weekend count compared to 2016’s comic films Batman V Superman, Deadpool and Captain America: Civil War. The director of the X-Men film Bryan Singer, is back again to display his vision of the famous super team. Lots of comic fans have mixed opinions on Singer’s work. He can make superpowers look amazing on screen but his cinematic story timelines for the characters don’t match the origins of the comic books or previous films he has created in the series. Star Wars for instance, is a film series that is connected together in a big story that flows. The X-Men films series had that same potential because of its comic book popularity, but because of its notably changes, X-Men films are the least favorite in Marvel’s cinematic universe. Let’s find out what threw fans off with this film.


According to the comics, Apocalypse is a known warrior that outranked all humans because of his incredible strength and size. What defined him as mutant was being born with grey skin, blue lips and nails. No one knew what Apocalypse mutant powers were exactly until he merged himself with Celestial technology. In the post credit of X-Men: Days of Future Past, young Apocalypse is shown building the pyramids with telekinesis, with his four horsemen observing in the background. At this point in time, it was obvious that Apocalypse has yet to merge with the technology of the gods. In this film, Apocalypse was explained as a mutant who amassed his great powers by transferring his conscious mind in different mutants over time, especially superpowers that suits his needs. He later discovered that its Jean’s power is what he needed instead of Xavier because she holds the Phoenix Force. If Apocalypse was the first mutant, how did he collect powers over his early reign on Earth? This is very different from the comic origins. Days of Future Past and Apocalypse didn’t match up with each other on how the character was brought to the big screen. Some would agree that Apocalypse natural size could have been similar to Xerxes in the film 300. Apocalypse was portrayed by actor Oscar Issac. What was your take of Apocalypse on the movie screen?


Angel/ ArchAngel
This film will be the second appearance for the hero Angel. The vision for this character was lackluster and outside his natural cinematic timeline. Angel’s first appearance was with X-Men: The Last Stand. His story was shown as a young boy trying to hide his mutation from his father by attempting to cut his wings off. When Angel got older and couldn’t hide his wings much longer, his father encouraged the removal, but Angel developed a change of heart. At the end of the film, Angel is enrolling himself in Xavier’s school. In X-Men Apocalypse, Angel is also in his teen years as a caged fighter. His left wing was damaged during his fight, then later upgraded by the power of Apocalypse. What’s off about this is in the comics, Apocalypse tricked Angel in believing he could turn him human but instead enslaved him as a horseman. The process for his enhancements was a very painful, torturous procedure. Angel developed a blue hue to his skin which resembles his master Apocalypse. Why is Angel in his teen years in both films? If the cinematic timeline of X-Men Apocalypse is set before The Last Stand, why is Angel still a teenager? And why wasn’t he introduced in X-Men: First Class as an original X-Men along with Ice Man?


Nightcrawler/ Mystique
This will be the second time comic fans have enjoyed Nightcrawler on screen. Nightcrawler was introduced in X-Men 2 as a tool for William Stryker before his was rescued by the X-Men. Also in this film, he has no knowledge of the X-Men , especially with Storm, Jean Grey or even Mystique. In X-Men Apocalypse, it’s a younger Nightcrawler who is saved from cage fighting by Mystique then later becoming one of the X-Men. What throws the cinematic timeline off is since Nightcrawler is meeting his new friends for the first time in Apocalypse, why does he have no knowledge of them in X-Men 2? In the comics, Mystique is Nightcrawler’s mother. This is a result of Mystique’s affair with Azazel, who was introduced in X-Men First Class. Is it possible Nightcrawler was conceived between the First Class and Apocalypse timelines since it was 21-year difference? In Days of Future Past, Mystique came across Trask’s files of mutants that were killed and experimented on. Azazel was among the lists. How was this immortal teleporting demon captured and even killed by humans??


Havoc/ Cyclops

There were obvious changes when bringing these two brothers to the big screen. According to the comics, Scott Summers is the older brother between himself and Havoc. In this film, Scott was introduced as the younger brother and was brought to Xavier for treatment by Havoc. In the comics, these brothers lost their parents in a plane crash and from that crash, Scott lost the ability to control his optic beams from an injury to his head. In this film, Scott Summer began to develop his powers while in regular public school. Also, their parents were alive and well, then even allowed Havoc to bring Scott with him to Xavier. What was confusing about the cinematic timeline in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Scott Summers was captured by Sabretooth along with mutants for William Stryker. During his capture, Scott was shown already equipped with ruby quartz lenses. How could he have gotten them if he has yet to meet the Professor? Scott was also later found and led to freedom from Stryker’s base by an older Xavier. This made no sense in the cinematic timeline because Xavier was a older, bald and walking when he rescued Scott. With Havoc, why did Bryan Singer fail to show fans that Havoc could absorb cosmic energy as well as fire optic beams and even fly?? Is Havoc really dead or will his character miraculously reappear in future X-Men films?


Jean Grey/ Wolverine
Jean Grey is among the X-Men once again, with a younger version portrayed by Sophie Turner. Hugh Jackman also made his return as Wolverine for this movie. What was confusing in this movie with Jean Grey was her previous younger form in X-Men: The Last Stand. In the beginning, Xavier and Magneto is visiting her as a child, trying to figure out the extent of her powers. Also, Xavier and Magneto could have been in their mid 40’s in that film, but in X-Men Apocalypse, Xavier and Magneto was not together as friends and they were in their early years while Jean was an older teenager. Jean Grey in this film displayed her inner power as the Phoenix, while in The Last Stand, Jean Grey experienced the Phoenix Force for the first time as an adult. Also, what threw comic and cinema fans way off was Jean releasing Wolverine from the Weapon X Program. In any flashbacks shown during the X-Men series or even X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Logan is shown escaping experimentation on his own. Why was this changed? Was Bryan Singer trying to create a way on how Logan built his attraction for Jean Grey??

Last but not least the cameo for Jubliee. Throughout the X-Men films, Jubliee has made small appearances notably in the first X-Men film and X-Men Apocalypse. If you pay close attention, Jubliee is a student in both films. If she was a student in the prequel films, why is she still a student and not an X-Man? Will she ever graduate or stay a student cameo?

Venom Movie Review!!!

Venom 2018 has exceeded expectations bringing in over $856.1 million dollars to date! Many popular movie critics gave Venom negative reviews, mainly because origins of the character was altered for cinematic display. Despite the alterations, Venom is an action-packed film and Tom Hardy‘s performance as Eddie Brock was nothing less than perfect. Let’s break down the different aspects of this film that stood out to comic fans the most and what could happen for this film in the future…

According to the comic blueprint when the Venom symbiote arrived on Earth, Spiderman was its first host. What the symbiote fed on the most with Peter was the special abilities he gained from the radioactive spider. The Venom symbiote retained Spiderman’s abilities and costume design by the time it attached to Eddie Brock. The Venom symbiote incorporated Brock’s deep negative feelings toward Spiderman making them it’s own. Brock had a obsession to take down Spiderman, for he blamed Spiderman for the lost of his job and the end of his relationship with his girlfriend. In turn, Spiderman and Venom are always at odds, even though in rare occasions they would join forces. In the movie release of Venom, Eddie lost his job and girlfriend by overstepping boundaries when interviewing the Life Foundation CEO Carlton Drake. Eddie was determined that Drake was guilty of his accusations of human experimentation and was willing to do what it took to prove his story. This film featured other symbiotes such as Riot, who’s mission was to bring more of its species to Earth. Is it possible the symbiotes were fleeing their planet because it was near destruction by Galactus like in the comics? With eliminating Spiderman from the film origins of Venom, do you think that ruined Venom’s chances to encounter the wall crawler in future films? Would this version of Venom been a great new villain for The Amazing Spiderman film series or was this standalone film a good move for Sony?

Venom was featured as the main villain in Spiderman 3. This storyline of Venom was slightly changed as well. The Venom symbiote arrived on Earth through a small meteor and not from the shuttle return as shown in the comics and Venom 2018. In the comic story, the symbiote attached to Peter Parker becoming the black suit Spiderman. Peter discovered the suit enhanced his abilities and even began to turn his personality into a darker side. This began to jeopardize his relationships at work and with Mary Jane so Peter expelled the symbiote, thus making Eddie the new host. Once Eddie gained the symbiote, it became a creature not seen with Spiderman. The Venom symbiote was short lived in Spiderman 3, as it was disintegrated along with Eddie Brock. What threw the appearance off with Venom was that his size was comparable Spiderman, not making him much of a threaten menace. In Venom 2018, Venom was almost triple the size of Brock, easily towering over most humans. Since Eddie encounter the symbiote first, Venom was without his famous white spider across his torso and back. Venom was unable to cling to walls like Spiderman or create webbing, so the unique powers of the symbiote made up for the missing elements. Venom was seemingly destroyed like in the Spiderman 3 film, but returned to Eddie to help combat crime in his town. Another notable difference between the two cinematic Venoms was that the new version has a personality of its own while the other was a mindless creature under control of Eddie.

At the end of film, Eddie arrives at a prison facility to interview Cletus Kasady, an infamous serial killer who is portrayed by Woody Harrelson. Cletus lets Eddie know that when he gets out of prison there will be carnage. This hints that the murderous Carnage will be the next villain that Venom must face. What if Venom’s apparent destruction is what forces the symbiotes’ pregnancy in hopes to survive extinction? What if in this Venom story, Carnage and Venoms indifference stems from the passed down knowledge of Riot’s death and the disruption of the mission to invade Earth with symbiotes? What were your thoughts on 2018 film for Venom? Should producers continue with this storyline or will this movie become short lived?


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is among the strongest heroines in the DC Universe. Diana’s powers are granted to her from the Gods of Olympus, thus becoming a form of demigod. Wonder Woman is very similar to Thor, for the reason both characters stem from mythology. They use their godly powers to help humanity as heroes of a super team. Who do you think is more powerful between Thor and Wonder Woman?Wonder Woman’s home of Themyscira is dominated by only women. This could be the major reason why Wonder Woman doesn’t have solid intimate relationships with men, like Superman and Batman. Wonder Woman finds Superman to be a match for her based on his leadership and the superhuman abilities that are similar to her own. Diana is bred to be an elite warrior of Amazon, her involvement in World Wars gives her a strong sense of field experience when entering battle with the Justice League. This experience outclasses Superman, for he must train his special powers to help benefit his role as a hero…Wonder Women finds interest in a lone warrior like Batman, because of his dark, mysterious and strategic ways as a hero. Not only that, Wonder Woman would give a mortal man much respect for his battle prowess against foes 10 times stronger than himself, without the use of any superpowers. A man putting his life on the line against the odds probably reminds Diana of Steve Trevor in some ways. This also builds enormous amounts of love and compassion in her heart for mortals. This type of love is more than enough to have the Star Sapphire Ring summoned to her every call.Wonder Woman made her way from the comic book to various DC anime and cartoon series, up to the big screen, with Gal Gadot as the actress. Her first appearance was in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, followed by her solo film of 2017, the Justice League film, Wonder Woman 1984 and then The Flash.  What was your take on Gal playing Wonder Woman? Do you think she made a good displayed of the fierce Amazon warrior? If not, which actress do you think could fill the role perfectly? Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Wonder Woman goes to deviantart artist; codename: artgerm. Excellent work!

Red Lantern Sith Lords


What if….Atrocitus summoned powerful Sith Lords to join his Red Lantern Corps?! Officers of the Red Lantern Corps mindlessly behave with blind rage under the Red Power Ring. The Sith are trained to use Force Rage to make them strong in the dark side. With this ability, being consciously overtaken by the red ring would have no effect on the Sith. Instead, the ring would amplify their Force abilities and allow them to create red energy constructs unlike the other Corps members. Knowing the betrayal nature of the Sith, Atrocitus programmed their rings to self-destruct in a nuclear explosion, killing the user and any made followers if any attempts on his life were made. Their power rings would also immobilize the Sith if they were to battle one another for any reason. This would keep them in a functional unit among themselves, loyal only to the Corps. With this set-in place, Atrocitus started his quest to enlist Darth Vader, Darth Maul and Darth Malgus to his troops, believing them to be the strongest of the Sith. Artocitus sent power rings to the various points in time where the Sith were in their most rageful moments.

Darth Vader Darth Is Sleepy GIF - Darth Vader Darth Is Sleepy Darth - Discover & Share GIFs

Darth Vader was converted to the Red Lantern Corps by Atrocitus first, preventing any disruption in the Star Wars timeline where the remaining Sith could be obtained. Atrocitus sent the Red Power Ring to Vader after he was placed into his armor and then learning his wife perished by his own hands. Grief stricken, Vader felt hopeless and angered at his inability to protect his family and knowing he had no choice but to be loyal to Sidious. The power ring arrived in this time, hypnotizing Vader with greater promises of power beyond the Force. Through the ring, Atrocitus informed Vader of the Red Lanterns and wielding of cosmic energy could do for him. Vader felt he could use this red energy to bring his wife back and destroy Sidious, claiming rights to the Empire and become ultimate leader of the Sith. Upon hearing this, Sidious tried to summon the ring to himself, only to fail and forcefully watch out of curiosity on what would transpire next.

When Vader accepted the ring, he was unable to turn and kill Sidious for he was instantly transported from the operation chamber and sent on Ysmault in the DC Universe. Once on Ysmault, Vader realized the power ring supplies him with the cosmic energy needed to stay alive instead of the suit’s mechanics. Vader could see in the distance that the ring was drawing its power from the Red Lantern Central Power Battery. The red energy nullified any pain Vader felt from his charred external and internal injuries, thus keeping his focus on the dark side at peak levels. Vader’s use of the dark side in unison with the power ring would allow him to create energy constructs nearly indestructible.

Solo: How Is Darth Maul Alive for This Star Wars Movie? | Vanity Fair

The second power ring traveled to the time period after Darth Maul was defeated by Obi Wan Kenobi. From the reactor shaft on Naboo, Maul’s remains became a part of trash collections to be disposed. The pain from the lightsaber strike and defeat by a Jedi is what fueled Maul’s rage and hatred, keeping him alive during his ordeal. Through the Force, Maul could feel an immense power approaching, unfamiliar to anything he felt before using the dark side. As Maul laid in the trash container on the brink of unconsciousness, the red power ring arrives with promise of great power.

Maul accepted the Red Power Ring with no hesitation, for the ring was his guiding light and the thought of ultimate revenge felt so invigorating. Maul then used the power ring to recreate his lower half into an indestructible construct of red light, capable of withstanding all forms of destruction by any weapon. While Maul’s plans were to immediately hunt down and kill Kenobi, the ring beamed Maul from the trash ship to Ysmault, where Vader was waiting for Atrocitus.

Upon arrival, Vader recognized Maul from his assault on Jedi many years ago on Tatooine as he was leaving with them for Jedi training. In the same moment, Maul could sense that Vader was once the child the Jedi was also safeguarding while he trying to intercept Queen Amidala from their guard. Upon this revelation, the Sith ignited their lightsabers for battle only for their rings to halt any strikes made upon one another, then launching them in opposite directions with violent force. Their stalemate was being observed by Atrocitus in distance space from his power ring. Satisfied with the safeguards he placed upon rings of the Sith, Atrocitus sent the last ring to acquire his next prize…

Is it possible that something similar to 'the Force' in Star Wars exists in the real world? - Quora

Darth Malgus has just been defeated on Alderaan by Jedi Satele Shan. Believed to have been destroyed under the rocky rubble, Darth Malgus in fact used the dark side from being crushed thus saving his life. His defeat channeled great rage where the power ring could pinpoint his location. The ring led the Sith master out of the rubble and to his destiny of great power over the Jedi.

Now with the control of the red power ring, Malgus plan was to create duplicate copies of the ring to be used by his forces. With his followers equipped with the red cosmic power, Malgus could defeat the Jedi and bring the Force into total darkness.

As ambitious as Malgus was on his mission, the power ring thwarted Malgus plans by teleporting him from his timeline to the awaiting Sith Lords in the DC Universe. Atrocitus felt Malgus was the strongest of the three and appointed him leader of the Sith Lords. The destructive rage of the three Sith Lords together created a massive flow of red energy that could be felt throughout the cosmos. The fear of the Red Lantern Corps rising power attracted the attention of Sinestro and the Yellow Lantern Corps!

With such fear empowerment, Sinestro believed these Sith warriors would be excellent allies to his Corps instead of the Red Lantern Corps. How would he accomplish this? Could Sinestro convince the Sith Lords to leave Atrocitus without risking a conflict? Or is it possible that Sinestro could get the Sith Lords to join the Yellow Corps while they are still recruited to the Red Lanterns? Time is of the essence as the Blackest Nights draws closer. Sinestro decides to wait patiently and keep close observation of the Sith Lords, awaiting his chance to reign absolute.

With the Sith apart of his Lantern Corps, Atrocitus set his sights on the Marvel Universe next. To his surprise, the universe was filled with potential recruits, one in particular he could feel has immense power: The Dark Phoenix! To be continued….