Loki vs Dr. Doom

The Asgardian Frost Giant Prince vs The Ruler of Latveria is a topic of speculation among comic fans. These two villains are matched up because first they both have a desire to obtain rulership of Asgard and the power it contains. Dr. Doom is looked like the supreme mortal who can outwit and obtain powers from cosmic beings or sources. Loki is a lower-level god who is only successful in dominating beings who are mentally and physically weaker than himself. In this case, the bridge between Loki and Dr. Doom is relatively small….

Dr. Doom’s greatest power is his mind. Since his youth, he desired to acquire knowledge and power for himself, and he succeeded. Dr. Doom is considered to be one of the most powerful minds in the Marvel Universe. As such, he can create any device needed to give himself the upper hand in any situation, even to rival the technical genius of Batman, Iron Man and Reed Richards. Throughout the comics, Dr. Doom’s taste for power has been taken to extraordinary heights: becoming wielder of the Infinity Gauntlets and taking on cosmos powers such as Galactus and Silver Surfer. Dr. Doom’s downfall lies with attaining too much power. His arrogance blinds him creating more setbacks than failures.Loki is also known to have a genius level intellect as well as being a master sorcerer in his realm of Asgard. Since Loki is of Asgard and The Frost Giants, he is physically superior to Dr. Doom. Loki has a desire to acquire more power like Dr. Doom, but his child like manner wouldn’t allow him to have a defined purpose for his power other than challenging his half-brother Thor. This results in his defeat and punishment by his father Odin. Loki’s arrogance as a higher being blinds the fact that mere mortals could beat him at his own game every time.

In this battle, Loki is more than likely to underestimate the power of Dr. Doom because he is mortal. Dr. Doom is a strategist and mentally would dominate Loki. If need be, could take over the body Loki, if physically beaten. With the battle history of the two villains, you would likely find a DoomBot in battle than the real Doom. Loki more than likely control a being such as the Destroyer to fight the battle for him or even the Hulk. Who do you think would win in such a battle?


Apocalypse is the most powerful mutant and first known mutant on Earth. His origins date back to Egyptian times when the people believed highly in the gods of the universe. His physical appearance alone led his loved ones and society to reject him. His power and strength spread fear throughout the world, making the fearful worship him like a god. Immortality allowed Apocalypse to live through the ages, gain knowledge, battle dark forces like Dracula and even his own kind: The X-Men.

Apocalypse believed only the strongest will survive. After learning of the Mutant X gene from Nathaniel Essex, Apocalypse plans to have mutants replace humankind. Magneto also enforces the idea of mutant superiority but hates the idea of mutant experimentation. Because of his past, Magneto believes experimentation on mutants only leads to slavery or death. Magneto believes that it should be a Brotherhood of Mutants instead of servitude to Apocalypse.


When merging with Celestial technology, Apocalypse far surpasses all mutants. With these tools, Apocalypse believed he was the chosen one to shape civilization. This is similar in the film Stargate. A celestial being merging with a human and attempting to rule over humanity as a God. Apocalypse even created his version of the biblical four horsemen, expanding his godlike disposition over humans and mutants. Were there such celestial beings that existed in ancient history that is responsible for shaping humanity as it is today? Was ancient Egypt the landing site for such beings?


Apocalypse is featured in TVs series such as X-Men and X-Men Evolution. He has also made a small cameo at the end of X-Men Days of Future Past. Apocalypse will make a full appearance in the upcoming film X-Men: Apocalypse. Will this film be the best out of the series? Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Apocalypse goes to the DeviantArt artist: Curtis-Hunt.

Red Lantern Corps: Dark Phoenix

What if…….Atrocitus was able to recruit the Dark Phoenix to his Red Lantern Corps?! The Phoenix Force is an entity described as the child of the universe, free-spirited and dangerous if not properly controlled or guided on the right path. With this power, Atrocitus could be on the same power levels as the White and Black Lantern Corps

Atrocitus believes he could attract the Phoenix Force to his will by releasing The Butcher.  An older entity could train the younger entity on how powerful an emotion like rage is. This is a similar method Atrocitus learned from observing Sith Lords before recruiting them. To achieve his plan, Atrocitus traveled to the time period in the Marvel Universe right after Dark Phoenix consumed a star, killing billions of people in the process. The destruction left in the aftermath fascinated Atrocitus, believing that such devastation could empower his Lantern Corps greatly. Atrocitus intercepted the Phoenix in space flight, releasing the Butcher from the Red Power Battery. The two entities clashed in a cosmic spectacle, becoming familiar with each other, learning and adapting to one another.

As the two entities dance in a cosmic showcase, Jean Grey’s body hovers in space, waiting for the Phoenix Force to return to its host.  Atrocitus used this time to slip the Red Power Ring onto Jean’s finger, sealing the bond between the two entities. Doing this, Atrocitus believed if he can’t have direct control over the Phoenix Force, he could at least have control over its host.

Sensing bondage, the Phoenix Force lashed wildly like an animal being caged. Anger and rage began to grow rapidly in the entity as it struggled. The energy given off by the Phoenix Force was so tremendous, its power funneled down to each power ring of the Red Lantern Corps. Members of the Red Lantern Corps no longer had the weakness of blind rage, now that it was consumed by the Phoenix Force. In exchange, each member developed mental clarity strong enough to create the most powerful constructs among all the other Lantern Corps. The Phoenix Force also grants members immortality, as long as the Phoenix Force remains confined in the Red Power Battery.

Also, there is no longer the need to charge the power ring, for the Phoenix Force keeps the rings charged indefinitely. When realizing that rage is just one of many emotions of the Spectrum, The Phoenix Force gained a curiosity for the other Lantern Corps and vowed to conquer them all. With the power of two cosmic entities, can the Red Lantern Corps be stopped in their quest for domination of the Universe?

Deadpool and Wolverine Trailer Review!!!

Ryan Reynolds is finally back again as Deadpool for the third time. This time Deadpool will be joined by Hugh Jackman, returning as the iconic Wolverine. The two characters battled each other in the film X-Men Origins: Wolverine, were the depiction of Deadpool was very different than what we have received from Deadpool’s last two films. In this film its rumored that we will have the return of special characters that we have seen in Marvel films before, thus prompting the Secret Wars. Will this be Marvel’s ultimate film next to Endgame and Infinity War? Stay tuned for the release of Deadpool and Wolverine on July 26th 2024!


Mystique is a master of disguise, because her mutant ability allows her to morph into any human or mutant at will. Mystique often mimics human forms because her blue skin stands out to public ridicule and torment. In addition to her morphing powers, Mystique’s level as an expert hand to hand combatant and covert operative rivals Black Widow, Domino and even Solid Snake in the world of espionage. Mystique is a foe that battles the X-Men on many occasions, primarily alongside her Brotherhood of Mutants, which is led by Magneto.

In the beginning, Mystique used her power to blend into society. While living the lives of various people, Mystique spawned two children. Her first child was Graydon Creed, a result of her fling with Sabretooth. Graydon was born a normal human who later became part of the political parties wanting to eradicate those with the X-Gene. Mystique’s next child was Nightcrawler, a result of her secret affair with Azazel. NightCrawler was also rejected by humans because of his physical appearance. Mystique later adopted Rogue as her own child when Rogue ran away from home at an early age. Rogue and NightCrawler later grew up to be a part of the X-Men, battling their own mother on different occasions…

mystique 5

Mystique made her live movies features with X-Men 1, 2, 3, First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. The image design for Mystique has changed from the comic book when introduced to the big screen. The smooth blue skinned; white appareled female was replaced with a naked reptilian skinned mutant. This gave Mystique a more abnormal look, putting more emphasis on her mutation. Did the change hurt Mystique’s character profile or did movie producers make an excellent choice?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Mystique goes to the DeviantArt artist: JamieFayx.

Deadpool 2016


This film is made for Ryan Reynolds. Placing Ryan as Green Lantern made that film seem more of a Marvel film. In the Deadpool film, that was made fun of with the beginning scene car wreck, the picture in the wallet! Also, this version of Deadpool was different than what we saw in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This also was made in a funny reference as a figurine. It was like the film of Deadpool was showing spoofs of the other Marvel films in this one. This Deadpool was closer to his comic origins than on X-Men Origins Wolverine. Deadpool is the second Marvel film to receive a R rating next to Blade, so no kids allowed!! The film started off action packed, then later slowed down to explain Deadpool’s origins. The film would have been even more interesting if Wolverine was used in this film instead of Negasonic Teenage Warhead. If Wolverine was in this movie, then we can see him R-rated as he should be. It is projected at the end of the film that Cable will be brought into the sequel. The film was an hour and 48 minutes. Comic Multiverse recommends this film to all comic fans who love Deadpool. This film was made with a budget of $58 million and sold $783.1 million dollars! Big success!!

Dislikes for the Film: NONE!!




Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Movie Review!!!!

Marvel Comics received another win with Black Panther: Wakanda Forever! To date this film generated $859.1 million dollars from a budget of $250 million. Ryan Coogler didn’t recast the Black Panther, so this movie was based around Wakanda’s survival after the death of the King from an unspecified illness. In reality, Chadwick Boseman was diagnosed with colon cancer during his first appearance as Black Panther and began undergoing its effects throughout all movie appearances of the character up to Endgame.

The villain chosen for this movie was Namor The Sub Mariner. Namor as we know is very similar to AquaMan in the DC Universe. Both are half Atlantean, with the ability to survive the depths of the oceans and communicate with marine animals. Their primary differences lie within their human parents and the Tridents they wield. Namor’s father has the dormant X gene which creates Namor as half homo superior, explaining his winged feet and ability to fly. Flight is what would give Namor an advantage over AquaMan in battle, but it’s AquaMan Trident of Poseidon and the ability to tap into the Life Force of the oceans that may give AquaMan the win in this matchup. Who is your favorite underwater King between the two?

Namor is introduced cinematically different from the comic origins. Wakanda believed that Vibranium only landed in their country, now to find out the precious metal has also landed in the ocean near the MesoAmerican Region. Over time the meteorite’s radiation gave nourishment to underwater plants, which were consumed by the last Mayan tribe in that area. Namor’s mother was pregnant when she ingested it, causing Namor’s mutation of winged ankles and flight. As for the tribespeople, out of water their pigmentation turns blue from lack of oxygen where when immersed in water, the saturation returns to normal human coloration. Namor and his people have the ability of hypnosis, very similar to mermaids and sirens, sending anyone within earshot to a watery grave. Instead of wielding the magical Trident of Neptune, Namor wields a spear made of pure Vibranium. Without the magical powers of a Trident, do you think this version of Namor can take on Jason Momoa’s AquaMan? Did the director want Namor changed to give the minorities of our society a representation cinematically or was Africans, Latins and Hispanics cultures being displayed as one in the same since Pangaea? This concept was also presented in AVP when explaining cultures with pyramid structures.

Shuri becomes the Black Panther as she does in the comics. Since she failed save her brother’s life and the world’s continual efforts to invade Wakanda for Vibranium, Shuri’s feelings towards society turns negative. After interacting and learning the creation of Talokan, Shuri was able to create a new crop of the heart shaped herb since its destruction by Killmonger’s order. This new herb grants the user a greater healing factor similar to Wolverine’s. This was witnessed from the invulnerable warriors of Talokan and Shuri surviving a stab wound to the midsection, same trauma that took Killmonger’s life. It’s unclear if the herb allows underwater breathing, but if this herb was discovered earlier, T’Challa and Killmonger would have survived their afflictions. Even though Shuri was coaxed into a negative mindset, fueled even more so by the death of the Queen, Shuri used the wisdom of the Black Panther legacy to join the two Vibranium richen nations together as partners…or it seems. Namora was introduced in this film as well and she appears unpleased with Namor’s decision for unity. Do you think this is the beginning of a division within the Talokan nation?

How did you like this film?! What do you think of the changes made to character of Namor? Leave your comments below and check out SideShow Collectibles for Wakanda Forever!

Superman Vs. Batman

Superman vs Batman has always been a hot topic among comic fans for a long time. Because of their popularity, both characters are involved with many crossover battles against foes with similar abilities. Since Batman and Superman are both heroes, a continual battle between the two characters could not exist. Seemingly enough, the only reason for confrontation between Batman and Superman is for dominate leadership over what it means to be a hero.

Many fans favor Batman because of his dedication to his crime fighting career. Bruce’s determination on becoming the greatest crime fighter he can be, pushed him beyond his physical limits. Wayne’s technology and resources also gives Batman an advantage over Superman / Clark Kent. Batman’s mastery of fear allows him to take on opponents more powerful than himself even if it means certain death. Superman has even considered Batman to be the world’s most dangerous man…Superman is also a favorite among comic fans because he is one of the most powerful characters in DC Comics history. His superpowers allow him to take on most opponents with little effort. Flight, super speed, invulnerability, longevity, prominent abilities anyone would love to have. Even though Superman is an alien from another world, his values and morals are that of a good human on Earth. Such great values and morals motivate Superman to use his powers for the good of the people. His normal persona as Clark Kent allows him to live a life as a reporter, keeping him grounded to world issues, thus helping him become a better world hero.Batman and Superman have many publications where they would battle. Finally, the two characters are featured in the same, live action film: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. This is Zack Synder‘s take on the battle between the two icons. Who do you think would ultimately win between Superman and Batman?

Fan favorite artwork of Batman vs Superman goes to the Deviantart artist: Leork-Dream!


Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange made his live appearance on the movie screen with big success, racking in $677.8 worldwide. Scott Derrickson did well to keep the story of Strange authentic to the comics, with just a few story changes and excellent computer graphics. The CGI action sequences brought reminiscent to the films Inception and The Matrix. What do you think of Benedict  Cumberbatch playing as the Master of the Mystic Arts? Who else could you envision taking on this role?

Dr. Strange is similar to Dr. Fate of DC Comics. Their roles normally consist in aiding their world heroes against enemies from supernatural dimensions. In a battle between the two characters, Dr. Fate would dominate the fight because of his immortality and superhuman durability. This film is a part of the path leading to Infinity War movies. In the comics, Dr. Strange is among the major players in the war against Thanos.

One major change in the Dr. Strange story was having the time stone embedded as the Eye of Agamotto. Comic films have become different from their comic book blueprints over time, all to make the cinematic world a whole new universe. Five stones down, one more to go. What upcoming film will hold the last stone? Has the last stone been in plain sight the entire time?

Thor made his cameo in the mid credits of the film, aligning himself with Strange to help find his father with the aid of his scheming brother Loki. This could be a hint that Strange maybe a possible cameo in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok. If so, how will Dr. Strange be utilized? Do you think Dr. Strange is ready to take on the forces of Loki?


2018 Black Panther Trailer Review!!!


Black Panther will finally get his solo release February 16, 2018. Black Panther made his intro to the cinematic world in Avengers: Civil War. In the end of that film, T’Challa brought Captain America and Bucky back in his home of Wakanda.This film appears to be focused in Wakanda where the conflict presides. Andy Serkis will replay his character from Age of Ultron, which will have a more significant role in the Black Panther, bringing his story full circle between the two films. Will this 2018 feature be the beginning of a possible standalone series or will this character somehow be involved with the upcoming threat that awaits Marvel heroes in the Infinity War?