

new batmanBatman, also known as The Dark Knight, is a crime fighter of Gotham City. Despite being known as a hero, Batman is viewed as a vigilante and even a criminal in the eyes of law enforcement. Batman public persona Bruce Wayne, is a multi billionaire and polymath. Using his resources, Bruce Wayne can successfully manage being a crime fighter with use of special made gadgets, vehicles and costumes, much like Iron Man.wpid-img_20141016_074707.jpgBatman is one of many heroes with no superpowers. But what if he did? What if Batman was a daywalker vampire like Blade or has vampiric powers that manifest at night like Nina Price? This would make sense for Batman to have these supernatural powers since he battled Dracula himself. Having these supernatural powers could magnify the fearful image of Batman a thousand fold. Would comics fans accept a new and improved Batman? Just imagine the Dark Knight with powers of Dracula, as shown in the film Dracula Untold. Do you think Batman could take on Superman more effectively this way?

Being a strong-willed and fearless warrior is what makes Batman one of the greatest heroes to enter in the world of crime fighting. Dedicating his life to fight injustice, Batman uses his resources to help form and support the Justice League. As second in command, Batman is in charge of global surveillance and communications. Batman is the third most important member of the Justice League next to Superman and Wonder Woman. batman ffBatman has become a master of his mind, body and emotions. Having considerable willpower and using fear against injustice, Batman is an excellent candidate for both the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro Corps. Even though Batman was believed to have perished by Darkseid , the false Batman was recruited to the Black Lantern Corps. Later revealed to be among the living, the real Batman was recruited to the The White Lantern Corps. Which Lantern Corps do you think best suits Batman?

sinestro corp batmanThe greatest asset that Batman has is his mind. Because of his development over the years, comic fans would believe that Batman could pretty much beat all superheroes and villains in a battle if enough research was completed. Because of this, you would find Batman in crossover battles against Spawn, Superman, Iron Man and even Dracula. Is Batman really the greatest crime fighter throughout all comics?

batmanLike many characters, Batman has evolved from the comic book to movie screen. Which was your favorite Batman film? Batman has been portrayed by many actors by none have stayed to keep Batman flourishing in cinema. Which actor do you think was the best Batman?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Batman goes to DeviantART artist Dave-Wilkins. Check out Dave-Wilkins complete portfolio!


Hal Jordan/Green Lantern

Hal Jordan is the first human to become apart of the Green Lantern Corps. Hal Jordan then became one of the greatest Green Lanterns next to Sinestro, who later became his biggest rival. Hal Jordan is also a member of the famous super team the Justice League. The Green Lantern Corps is similar to the Nova Corps of Marvel Comics, for both groups are police force militia created to protect life in the universe. Which Corps do you think is greater between the two?..

green lantern 6Hal Jordan was worthy of the Green Lantern ring because of his willpower and fearlessness. These qualities helped him overcome his father’s death to become an excellent pilot in the Air Force himself. Fighter Pilots in today’s world would also need such willpower to overcome fear in combat situations. The fear of heights, high speeds, and even the possibility of death during missions.

green lantern 1Those who experience success in any field can be compared to the concept of a Green Lantern officer. Willing a dream into existence takes concentrated focus and overcoming the fear of failure. Look around in our daily lives. Everything is a idea ranging from one individual to several. For instance, a vehicle, bridge, or whichever device used to read THIS blog post, is a physical construct of a designer’s imagination. His or her willpower is needed to take action to make the idea come to fruition. The officer of the Green Lantern Corps must keep his or her concentration at peak performance so that the energy constructs of the power ring will remain strong and unbreakable…

green lantern 9The Green Lantern transitioned from the comic books to different media. This includes the crossover video game: Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe,  the cartoon : Green Lantern the Animated Series, and animated films such as Green Lantern First Flight. Do you think the live action movie was a success? The film gave comic fans fantastic CGI visuals of the character’s powers at play, but was the actor Ryan Reynolds a good choice? Let’s consider Ryan has played in four Marvel Comic films: X-MEN Origins WolverineBlade Trinity, Deadpool 1 and 2. Will Ryan’s comedic style fit in with the newly established dark theme DC Comics has brought to the movie screen?

Comic Multiverse Fan Favorite crossover artwork of Hal Jordan/Green Lantern goes to the DeviantArt artist: PatC-14.

green lantern favorite artwork


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Justice League

justice leagueThe Justice League is a superhero team similar to The Avengers. Their role is to protect Earth and its citizens from domestic and universal threats while representing peace. Like the Avengers, the Justice League has a huge roster of heroes that makes up its organization. Its founding members start with the three icons: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Then followed by The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter which now is replaced by Cyborg.

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The Justice League headquarters is a satellite space station that orbits around Earth, keeping the planet under constant surveillance. Equipped with starships and transporters, the Justice League can face threats with immediate response. These technologies are supplied by Batman, which he stands as the tech genius of the team next to Cyborg. How is it that Batman created technology similarly related to the Star Trek Universe?


DC Entertainment has produced multiple animated films and video games of the Justice League. The Wonder Woman film, Man of Steel ,Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League are huge movies for DC Entertainment, but can these heroes surpass the success of The Avengers??

Comic Multiverse Fan Favorite Artwork of The Justice League goes to DeviantART artist JPRart. Excellent Work! Definitely reminds fans of the Jim Lee version of the X-MEN.

justice league fan art


Black Panther

Black Panther is described as the true “Batman/ Bruce Wayne” of Marvel Comics. There was the belief that Tony Stark was the wealthiest in the Marvel Universe, comic fans even matched Tony’s heroism against Bruce in many crossover battles. Black Panther would be a more fitting opponent or maybe prove to be very difficult for the Dark Knight in combat. Wakanda kings are trained to be warriors, trained in all forms of combat to one day take on the mantle of The Black Panther. This warrior as Black Panther must be superior in leadership for he must guide and protect a nation of people, something Tony nor Bruce is at a level of doing.

Black Panther’s abilities are similar to Wolverine‘s. Both characters have enhanced hearing, smell, healing and natural night vision. Captain America was given superhuman abilities with the help of the Super Soldier Serum, just as Black Panther was given his powers from a herb which was mutated from Vibranium. Black Panther can best both Wolverine and Captain America in single combat. Wolverine would be the only character between the three that was born with his superhuman abilities. The costume of Black Panther is made with the Vibranium material as Captain America’s shield. The costume protects the Panther’s complete body making him nearly impenetrable. Adamantium which laces Wolverine’s bones, is stronger than Vibranium, which makes it very possible for Wolverine to deliver a killing blow to Black Panther through the Vibranium. Vibranium is much more valuable because of its extraterrestrial origins whereas Adamantium is man-made. Vibranium is the source of the wealth in Wakanda and is secretly secluded from the rest of the world, much like Themyscira.

Black Panther’s next level of power is considered supernatural. The Black Panther is also known as King of the Dead. The Goddess Bast allows the Panther to control the undead, similar to the Scorpion King controlling Anubis army in the Mummy Returns. Its great speculation if Black Panther could command certain undead figures like Dracula or even have a degree of influence over Spawn. Let’s cross into the DC Universe, could Black Panther potentially become a greater leader than Black Hand? What separates Black Panther’s ability over the undead than the mentioned characters is that his powers was bestowed by a Goddess to protect his people as King. Dracula and Spawn acquired their power from the Devil, which in turn is to be used in service of him. Also with his supernatural ability, Black Panther can receive guidance from the Panther spirits of the past, much like Luke Skywalker learning from his deceased mentors of the Jedi.

In the early 90s, Wesley Snipes began the idea of bringing the Black Panther to life. Complications brought the project to a halt, instead Blade was the start of Marvel Cinematics, with huge success. Captain America: Civil War was the film that introduced Black Panther to cinematic while in the comics, his origins began with the Fantastic Four. After Civil War, Black Panther’s solo release became highly anticipated for 2018, along with Infinity War. How long will fans expect to see Black Panther on-screen? Will he become a major character in Marvel’s cinematic universe or will the Black Panther become short lived?

Comic Multiverse Fan Favorite artwork of Black Panther goes to the DeviantArt Artists: MarkHRoberts and RobertAtkins. Excellent Work!!




Storm is an Omega Level Mutant with the primary power of controlling the weather. The magnitude of her powers can be stretch from Earth to outer space. The depths of her powers led her people to believe she was a goddess, sent to help tribes thrive during harsh weather seasons. After being discovered by Professor X, Storm learned to control her powers at a great degree and even joined his X-Men. Her commitment to the team earned Storm the leadership role in Cyclops absence.

new storm 7

Weather is responsible for shaping the planet and way of life. We have even used the weather to harness energy and feed the population. Unstable weather conditions have taken lives, destroyed homes and cities. If humans could effectively control the weather like Storm, we could change our way of life forever. Humans could even have the ability to make Mars a living planet like Earth. Would Storm be strong enough to control the storms on Jupiter?

new storm 2

Thor is another character in the Marvel universe that can control the weather. Because of Loki’s need to test his brother, he influenced Storm to wield the StormCaster making her the Goddess of Thunder. If Storm retains her mutant powers while acquiring additional powers with StormCaster, is she stronger than Thor at that point? With the X-Men series making it to the big screen, comic fans got a chance to see the weather goddess in action. Halle Berry portrayed Storm in the majority of the films series, then Alexandra Shipp played a younger Storm in X-Men: Apocalypse. Is this the last we will see of this character or will there be a new Storm if X-Men was ever rebooted?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Storm goes to the DeviantArt artist ArtGutierrez.

storm fan art




Wonder Woman

new wonder womanWonder Woman is among the strongest heroines in the DC Universe. Diana’s powers are granted to her from the Gods of Olympus, thus becoming a form of demigod. Wonder Woman is very similar to Thor; for the reason both characters stem from mythology. They use their godly powers to help humanity as heroes of a super team. Who do you think is more powerful between Thor and Wonder Woman?wonder woman thorWonder Woman’s home of Themyscira is dominated by only women. This could be the major reason why Wonder Woman doesn’t have solid intimate relationships with men, like Superman and Batman. Wonder Woman finds Superman to be a match for her based on his leadership and the superhuman abilities that are similar to her own. Diana is bred to be an elite warrior of Amazon, her involvement in World Wars gives her a strong sense of field experience when entering battle with the Justice League. This experience outclasses Superman, for he must train his special powers to help benefit his role as a hero…wonder woman 1.5Wonder Women finds interest in a lone warrior like Batman, because of his dark, mysterious and strategic ways as a hero. Not only that, Wonder Woman would give a mortal man much respect for his battle prowess against foes 10 times stronger than himself, without the use of any superpowers. A man putting his life on the line against the odds probably reminds Diana of Steve Trevor in some ways. This also builds enormous amounts of love and compassion in her heart for mortals. This type of love is more than enough to have the Star Sapphire Ring summoned to her every call.wonder woman 3.5Wonder Woman made her way from the comic book, to various DC anime and cartoon series, up to the big screen. Her first appearance was in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, followed by her solo film of 2017, then the Justice League. Wonder Woman was portrayed by Gal Gadot.  What was your take on Gal playing Wonder Woman? Do you think she made a good displayed of the fierce Amazon warrior or what actress do you think could have done a better role?wonder woman nwComic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Wonder Woman goes to deviantart artist; codename: artgerm. Excellent work!wwfa


Emma Frost


Emma Frost is one of many mutants who has used their powers for personal gain in the world.  Emma Frost used her powers to make herself wealthy and successful in every area she found interest. Now just think, how many people in the world would do the same as Emma Frost? What would you do?


Her beauty and abilities attracted the attention of the X-Men and the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Emma was invited to the X-Men to help understand her power and to protect humans and mutants as a hero. As a member of the Inner Circle, Emma’s powers are utilized as instruments to influence the higher society that controls the world. This is the reason why there is debate that Emma is a hero or villain.emma frost 3 Emma Frost underwent a second mutation, her diamond form. In this form, Emma can only be destroyed with a diamond bullet. When not in diamond form, Emma is a powerful telepath on par with Xavier and Jean Grey. Emma and Jean Grey have tension with each other because both are Omega Level telepaths that fell in love with Cyclops. Not only that both females became worthy hosts to the Phoenix Force.emma frost 4 Emma Frost has come to the movie screen in the movies X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men First Class. Even though her abilities and powers were displayed with unique style and imagery, her timeline was far off. In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Emma was a young teenager escaping  Stryker’s island with an older Professor Xavier (not to mention Xavier is not disabled). In The First Class, Emma was an older woman, battling younger Charles Xavier and younger Eric Lehnsherr. Did movie producers not realize the mistake in Emma Frost movie timeline?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Emma Frost goes to DeviantArt artist; codename: arabbit13. Excellent Work!

emma frost fan art


Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers was born of Earth and the Kree, a technologically advanced race of beings that are military based and the Kree have used their might to conquer planets to form their Empire. The Kree’s military function reminds comic fans of Frieza and his military might in the DBZ Universe. Carol has a large array of super powers that make her one of the most powerful female heroines in the universe.

Carol is apart of the team called the StarForce, a military team that protects the Kree Empire. This strike force is similar to the Nova Corps and the Green Lantern Corps. Hal Jordan, Carol Danvers and Richard Rider are humans that were chosen to become apart of their cosmic military factions. Hal and Richard was chosen by their predecessor because they were near death and a replacement was needed. Since Carol is half Kree, it was easy to have her powers developed with Kree technology. Hal and Carol share a common background as Air Force pilots, while Richard was a common citizen of Earth. The Nova Force is similar to the Central Power Battery on Oa , where power is administered to all soldiers who fight for the Corps. Later through time, Richard became the host to the entire Nova Force thus giving him the ability of the Xandarian Worldmind, which is very similar to the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree Empire. The main weakness between the three characters is their mental stability and focus. If for any reason these two aspects become compromised, the wielder of power have a great chance of becoming defeated. Among the three, who do you think is the strongest to weakest?

The name Captain Marvel originated from Mar-Vell, a male Kree warrior who closely resembled humans on Earth instead of the blue skinned Kree. The Kree Empire and Carol had two major run-ins with the X-Men. The Kree and the Shi’ar developed a peace accord with themselves to help take on the threat of the Dark Phoenix during her rise in the universe. Before Carol was known as Captain Marvel, she went by Ms. Marvel. At this time, Carol battled with Rogue of the X-Men. Rogue absorbed much of Carol’s cosmic powers. Super strength, flight, durability, and even immortality became a permanent part of Rogues powers, where usually any power Rogue acquires is temporary.

Marvel Studios cast Brie Larson to be Captain Marvel. In the cinematic timeline, The Avengers battled Thanos through his process in collecting the Infinity Stones to no avail. Many comic fans have wondered who is the new hero that Nick Fury has called for, and will this hero ultimately save the universe. Do you think the live action film of Captain Marvel will measure up to the other big Marvel Films? Stay tuned for the movie review…

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Captain Marvel goes to the DeviantArt artist NeoArtCore! Excellent Work!

The Uncanny X-Men


The X-Men is a super team in the Marvel Universe, the sector of the Marvel Universe where humans are born with a gene mutation that causes supernatural powers. These supernatural powers created fear throughout the world, but for good reason. Mutants such as Magneto, feel mutants should be in control of the Earth because of their powers make them godlike over the humans. The X-Men are protectors of the innocent (human and mutants) against the villainous mutants and the government.

the xmen

The X-Men was formed by Professor Xavier, who had a dream to help and protect mutants from the world. After years of study, Professor X turned his home into a school where he could teach mutants to control their powers. His combat team is led by Cyclops and Storm, even Wolverine is found in the forefront of them both, for his combat experience exceeds the whole team and the Professor. Jean Grey is the Professor’s right hand for the fact both are both are omega mutant levels and in the event the Professor is incapable to use his powers at hand, Jean is the telepathic backup. Over the years, the X-Men ranks have changed many times like the Avengers, either through new recruits or old members become solo heroes.

xmen film

The X-Men has accumulated a film series that outranks all comic movies. In this film series, fans can see origins of the team and even individual film stories like Wolverine and Deadpool. Bryan Singer is the director responsible for the majority of the films in the series. Even though the X-Men became very popular on screen, many fans feel that a lot of the cinematic timeline of the series was incorrect and not completely congruent with the blueprints of the comic books. Do you think the X-Men movies need a complete reboot or will a reboot taint the established legacy of characters and the actors that play them like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine?

imageComic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of the X-Men goes to the Deviantart Artist: Pant and David-Ocampo



Judge Dredd


Judge Dredd comes from a future world of devastation, the result of World War III. Majority of the planet is a radioactive wasteland while the remaining human population resides in Mega Cities. Lack of resources creates desperation, ultimately leading to increased crime and civil war. To combat the chaos, Governments deploy Street Judges to enforce the law, even granting the power to convict or even execute offenders at the scene of the crime.

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What if our police force became a force like the Street Judges? We have lived in days of terrorism, cities under martial law and even been through two World Wars. Over the years, law enforcement has used excessive force to show dominance of the law to citizens whether innocent or not. Would our world change for the better with Street Judges or will the public feel a sense of oppression and lash out in a rebellious nature?

dreddComic fans love crossovers and battles! The three characters that fans who love to see against Judge Dredd is Batman, RoboCop and The Punisher. Each character operating within or outside the law to bring justice for the innocent, mainly for the reason for having a corrupt judicial or executive system. Do you think Judge Dredd can take down each of these characters one on one? Or would it be a better that these characters band together, defeat The Predator on a game reserve planet or stop an infestation of Xenomorphs from plaguing Earth, as suggested through many crossovers?

pred alien

Judge Dredd transitioned from the comic book to movie screen like many comic characters. Dredd’s two feature films is the 1995 Judge Dredd and Dredd of 2012. Which do you think was the better version of Judge Dredd and will his story continue in cinema?

Comic Multiverse Fan Favorite artwork of Judge Dredd goes to the DeviantArt artist StuartHughe. Excellent Artwork!! fan artwork judge dredd