Aquaman 2018

AquaMan featured in his first live film with the Justice League and now will he will have his own solo film this coming December. The DC cinematic universe differs from the MCU because the MCU had a plan to make the Avengers in the past and felt best to make solo films of the prominent members before making the big feature film. This film is filled with CGI much like Avatar but comic fans feel this movie will make a big début. If the solo films of DC Comics continue to succeed, will there be another Justice League film? This time bringing Darkseid?? Stay posted for the movie review!!

Dark Phoenix 2019

Dark Phoenix is coming with her solo film in the summer of 2019! This story continues with the young X-Men after Apocalypse. From the trailer and through movie history, comic fans have witnessed the X-Men films are loosely based on the origin comic stories. One thing that can’t be denied is that with each X-Men film created, the visual effects gets better, really displaying the awesome power of mutants! What mutant cameos may we have in this film?? Dark Phoenix is set to release of June 7, stay tuned for our movie review!!

Thor: Ragnarok

Well.. well what can we expect from this film?! This will be the third motion picture for the character Thor and it seems with each movie, the tone changes. The first film was an intro for the character in the cinematic universe. Thor becomes a hero for Earth as well proving himself worthy in his realm of Asgard. Thor’s second film had a more darker theme, illustrating the darker enemies of Asgard who seek a destructive weapon for power and control. The film was also a major piece to the upcoming film Infinity War. Â In this trailer of Ragnarok, we see Asgard once again under attack but this time by Hela, ruler of Valhalla. Mjolnir is destroyed and it looks as if Thor is taken captive and shipped to a distant part of the universe. Now the film changes giving off the similar retro feel we get with the Guardians of the Galaxy film. Thor no longer looking as the hero we recognize. He’s taken on the look of a gladiator and to our surprise, we will seen Thor fighting the Hulk once again. We can also see elements of the World War Hulk in play but instantly have fans wondering: how could The Hulk been captured to become a gladiator off Earth? Last we seen of The Hulk was the Age of Ultron, as he left his team behind after their fight with Ultron. This is the first of many trailers to come, Thor: Ragnarok will release in November…..when that time comes who will win in their battle this time: Thor or The Hulk?

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The saga continues this Christmas with Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi. At the ending of Episode 7, Rey delivers Anakin’s lightsaber to Luke, who seemed surprised that the lightsaber made its way back to him. In this film you can see Rey going through her lightsaber training and the influence she has on the Force with the rising rocks. Kylo Ren continued his training as well, after surviving his near death experience by Rey. Where are his strength levels within the Force and will get a deeper insight on his master Supreme Leader Snoke? We can see Finn still on his path of healing and Poe side by side with his droid BB-8. Not much is revealed in this trailer which means there will be plenty of surprises to come. Many fans would say the The Force Awakens has lots of elements of A New Hope. So will the Last Jedi pick elements from The Empire Strikes Back? If so this could be an interesting film but what is shocking is hearing Luke in the narrative saying the Jedi must end. What does this mean?? In December we will get our answer…

Wonder Woman 2017

DC Comics is at a good pace creating feature films for their iconic characters. This 2017 feature of Wonder Woman will be the first major female role in the comic universe and she will be the second member of the Justice League to bring a new visual of her history on-screen. The costume design and visual effects created for Woman Woman will bring this character to life, really portraying to the audience how she is a valuable hero and how she measures equally with her male companions. From the preview we see how the Amazons are separated from the world conflicts on the secret island of Themiscyra. In the Justice League trailer, the Amazon warriors are at battle with what could be Darkseid’s legion of Parademons. Will these two movies tie in with one another in some way? Are the Amazons, one of the sole keepers of a Mother Box? Just like in her comic book history, Diana will choose to enter man’s world, putting her training to use fighting for,, well on June 2nd, we will see the details of the conflict!