Dark Phoenix

dark phoenix 1Dark Phoenix is among the most dangerous female villains in the comic book universe. Dark Phoenix is the evil embodiment of Phoenix Force, with Jean Grey as it’s host. Dark Phoenix wanted to separate everything connecting Jean Grey to her former life so destroying the cosmos would come as first choice. Trying to stop or even battling the Dark Phoenix would be considered suicide for whoever took on the feat. Attacking the mind of the host is the best chance in stopping such a force, as done by Professor X.IMG_20150211_102839The Phoenix Force is similar to DC Comic’s entity: The Parallax. When Hal Jordan became the host, he displayed much of his dark side as Jean did under such power. Cosmic entities merging directly to a humanoid host, amplifies the powers of the host at immeasurable levels, making them god like. The Phoenix Entity was even split apart to inhabit different hosts at once, creating the Phoenix Five. Do you think this Force could take on any of the Lantern Corps??IMG_20150211_100327Dark Phoenix made it to the silver screen with the X-Men 3 The Last Stand. Dark Phoenix is portrayed by Famke Janssen, who played Jean Grey throughout the X-Men movie series. What is your take on the image of Dark Phoenix? She didn’t seem like the out-of-control Dark Phoenix who reign destruction in the cosmos but more like a darker Jean Grey. Was that the best performance of Dark Phoenix or could movie producers have done more to show the power of such a dark entity…Is it possible that Dark Phoenix can be recruited into the Red Lantern Corps?! What would become of Jean Grey if she harbors the Phoenix Force, then wield the Red Power Ring?! To Be Continued….

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork goes to DeviantArt artist, codename: ArtofTu.

dark phoenix artwork



new ultronUltron is among the artificial intelligent beings of science fiction thrillers, which is a computerized intelligence that rejects its programming after becoming self aware. The system would then eliminate human beings because humans are viewed as a threat to its evolution. Ultron has gone through many upgrades to reach his “perfect form”. Ultron is the first to be completely constructed in adamantium as part of his design enhancements. Ultron can control computer interfaces, the human mind and even the alien race Phalanx. ageultron2013009_molina_02_1Henry Pym created Ultron among his many experiments, but this creation was equipped with Pym’s very own consciousness, enabling Ultron experience human emotion. Choosing hate, Ultron hatred for Pym is because his existence was made possible by an “imperfect ” life form. In the film The Avengers: Age of Ultron, it was described that Tony Stark was responsible for the creation of Ultron. Ultron in turn was suppose to be the creator of Vision but on film, it was Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Thor responsible for the creation of the android._3Ultron interface is similar to the Skynet Interface System. When threaten with destruction, the two systems would create robotic soldiers ( terminators / ultronbots) to defend, contain or annihilate the threat to its source. Over time, the Skynet systems upgraded its robotic soldiers to cyborgs, equipping them with human tissue for disguise. This tactic is used to help infiltrate and eliminate the Resistance. Similarly, Ultron wanted to destroy The Avengers from within so he created the android Vision, but just like Ultron’s need to discard his set program, Vision broke free from Ultron’s control to join and help The Avengers take down the corrupted A.I, just like the T-101 or T-H cyborgs joining the Resistance to take down Skynet. ultron transformers

Ultron’s goals is to evolve, gain universal knowledge, destroy humanity, become omnipotent. What if Ultron gained control of Vector Sigma? If this happened, could Ultron then enhanced his robotic armor to transform into vehicles of disguise like the Transformers? Would Ultron be a threat to Cybertron that the two opposing forces must join together to defeat this foe or would they fall victim to Ultron’s new upgrade?..

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Ultron goes to the DeviantArt artist DeyVarah.

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As leader of the Black Lantern Corps, Nekron is among the most powerful, cosmic beings of the DC Universe. Nekron is the most powerful because he is the cosmic entity of death, the supreme ruler of the undead. All living beings face their end in death for the exception of those who posses immortality. If anyone is far dangerous than Atrocitus, it would be Nekron. If Nekron was able to recruit the Justice League to his Corps, what do you think would happen if he crossed into the Marvel Universe and recruited the zombies? Is it possible that Nekron could control Dracula just the same as his other undead hoards?

<span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: #FFC0C0;'>Nekron</span>

Comic fans suggest that Spawn be apart of the Black Lantern Corps. Spawn and Nekron would be in battle for the rights to the Black Lantern Corps for Spawn also has supernatural powers over the undead as king of hell. Would Spawn be more powerful than Nekron since he is now at Omega Level? What type of power would Spawn wield with the combined strength of a black power ring and his necroplasmic based armor?


 Nekron and Mistress Death share similar roles in their own universes. Mistress Death showed a liking to Deadpool and rare occasion Thanos. Do you believe Nekron is worthy of Mistress Death complete attention? What would be the story of the cosmos if these two powerful entities joined forces?

mistress death

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Nekron goes to the deviantART artist; codename: meganagod. Excellent work!




Apocalypse is the most powerful mutant and first known mutant on Earth. His origins date back to Egyptian times when the people believed highly in the gods of the universe. His physical appearance alone led his loved ones and society to reject him. His power and strength spread fear throughout the world, making the fearful worship him like a god. Immortality allowed Apocalypse to live through the ages, gain knowledge, battle dark forces like Dracula and even his own kind: The X-Men.


Apocalypse believed only the strongest will survive. After learning of the Mutant X gene from Nathaniel Essex, Apocalypse plans to have mutants replace humankind. Magneto also enforces the idea of mutant superiority, but hates the idea of mutant experimentation. Because of his past, Magneto believes experimentation on mutants only leads to slavery or death. Magneto believes that it should be a Brotherhood of Mutants instead of servitude to Apocalypse.


When merging with Celestial technology, Apocalypse far surpasses all mutants. With these tools, Apocalypse believed he was the chosen one to shape civilization. This is similar in the film Stargate. A celestial being merging with a human and attempting to rule over humanity as a God. Apocalypse even created his version of the biblical four horsemen, expanding his godlike disposition over humans and mutants. Were there such celestial beings that existed in ancient history that is responsible for shaping humanity as it is today? Was ancient Egypt the landing site for such beings?


Apocalypse is featured in TVs series such as X-Men and X-Men Evolution. He has also made a small cameo at the end of X-Men Days of Future Past. Apocalypse will make a full appearance in the upcoming film X-Men: Apocalypse. Will this film be the best out of the series?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Apocalypse goes to the DeviantArt artist: Curtis-Hunt.







Mystique is a master of disguise, because her mutant ability allows her to morph into any human or mutant at will. Mystique often mimics human forms because her blue skin stands out to public ridicule and torment. In addition to her morphing powers, Mystique’s level as an expert hand to hand combatant and covert operative rivals Black Widow, Domino and even Solid Snake in the world of espionage. Mystique is a foe that battles the X-Men on many occasions, primarily alongside her Brotherhood of Mutants, which is led by Magneto.


In the beginning, Mystique used her power to blend into society. While living the lives of various people, Mystique spawned two children. Her first child was Graydon Creed, a result of her fling with Sabretooth. Graydon was born a normal human who later became part of the political parties wanting to eradicate those with the X-Gene. Mystique’s next child was Nightcrawler, a result of her secret affair with Azazel. NightCrawler was also rejected by humans because of his physical appearance. Mystique later adopted Rogue as her own child when Rogue ran away from home at an early age. Rogue and NightCrawler later grew up to be apart of the X-Men, battling their own mother on different occasions…

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Mystique made her live movies features with X-Men 1, 2, 3, First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. The image design for Mystique has changed from the comic book when introduced to the big screen. The smooth blue skinned, white appareled female was replaced with a naked reptilian skinned mutant. This gave Mystique a more abnormal look, putting more emphasis on her mutation. Did the change hurt Mystique’s character profile or did movie producers make an excellent choice?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Mystique goes to the DeviantArt artist: JamieFayx.

mystique fan art


Sinestro was known as one of the greatest Green Lanterns in the Corps. With his own sense of power and control, Sinestro began to believe he could rule in his own egotistical way. Sinestro became obsessed that fear could establish a new order in the corrupt universe. His actions led him to the dark side of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. Once there, Sinestro became creator and leader of the Sinestro Corps, using fear to dominate his sector of the universe.

Would you agree Sinestro and Anakin Skywalker are similar, regarding their paths going from light to dark? Despite his rule, Sinestro joined with his rivals to fight the darkest side of the spectrum, The Black lantern Corps. During this battle, Sinestro bonded with the white entity of life becoming the first White Lantern Corps officer. Similarly enough, after Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side of the Force, he sided with his son to bring the Sith to an end thus bringing balance back to the Force.

With the release of the 2011 Green Lantern film, Sinestro has made his appearance to the big screen. Who would Green Lantern: Hal Jordan be without Sinestro right? In the post credits of the film, Sinestro is displayed exchanging his green power ring for the newly made yellow power ring, hinting the beginning of the Sinestro Corps. Since the lead role of Hal Jordan is Ryan Reynolds, who is now the lead dominate actor for Deadpool, a reboot film is a must for the future Justice League movies. Will Sinestro still exist in the cinematic universe or was this film the beginning and end for him??

Do you think Sinestro is capable of wielding the Infinity Gems?! With the Infinity Gems, Sinestro would even rival the cosmic bodies that power each lantern. He would even have the power to rival the guardians and gods of the universe. How would this power affect him? Would Sinestro become an agent for good or evil?

infinity gems sinestroComic Multiverse Fan Favorite artwork of Sinestro goes to DeviantArt artist, codename: felipemassafera.





Megatron is the leader of the Decepticon Army and uprising on Cybertron. Megatron was created by the Quintessons. His purpose for creation was a tool for war, being that most of his transformation represents military weapons and vehicles. As a gladiator champion, Megatron gained the respect and influential voice from the population on Cybertron. The name Megatron is short from his chosen gladiator name Megatronus. This political gain of power is similar to the gladiators of Rome, gaining respect of the people through undefeated battles.


Optimus Prime was a pupil to Megatron, believing in helping end the corruption in the governing body on Cybertron. The influence and power Megatron gained began to corrupt him. Megatron believed that not only Cybertron should be reshaped into a new order, he believed the universe should be reshaped as well, all in his image. Optimus believed all beings in the universe have the right for freedom than be ruled by a tyrant. The war on Cybertron began from the difference in ideals of a mentor and pupil.


Megatron appeared on television in the 1980’s in his original form, exactly as depicted in the comics. Megatron then became two versions of the T-Rex in Beast Wars series. The Beast Wars series is of a different timeline than the original Transformers. These different timelines later crossed paths when Megatron combined his spark with the original Megatron resulting in his dragon form. Megatron’s next animated form was in Transformers Prime, as a cybertronian space fighter, which was similarly used in his live action movie appearance Transformers 1 and 2. In the film Transformers 4, Megatron was reformed as Galvatron, a creation made by human hands than that of Unicron. Did movie producers preserve the vision of Megatron on film or has the various changes cripple the Emperor of Destruction?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Megatron goes to the DeviantArt artist PriscillaTR. Take a look at her amazing gallery!



The Riddler


The Riddler is among a list of villains who has experienced abuse as a child from the father figure.( The Red Skull, Sabretooth , Deadshot….) An abusive atmosphere is the common background to most comic book villains. Despite Edward choosing a life of crime, Edward is similar to Bruce Wayne/Batman to some degree. Both characters are wealthy men, genius intellect and even have great detective skills. In various degrees, The Riddler is a worthy foe to Batman. But to Batman, The Riddler is nothing more than a mental challenge than physical in his crime fighting career.

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The Riddler has made his way to the TV and movie screen. The Riddler features in all Batman cartoons series, but he got his major feature in film with Batman Forever, portrayed by Jim Carrey. In the TV show Gotham, the Riddler was portrayed by Cory Michael Smith. Will a new actor take the role of this mysterious villain, or will this villain ever make it back to the big screen for a second time?

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Could there be truth to The Riddler’s 3D Box, which was shown in the Batman Forever? What if,..the purpose of the box was no different from the purpose of our own televisions and cable boxes…! The purpose to is to capture our mentality. For example, when you watch a thriller movie, certain scenes are equipped with music of suspense, capturing your emotion and mental state of the scene. It feels as if you are the character in danger when in reality, you’re the one watching a movie!! Now that we have 3D movies and 3D televisions, are our IQs really decreasing while spending more time in front of the television?!

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of The Riddler goes to DeviantART artist TLishman. Excellent artwork!

riddler fan art


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Saiyans are known as the warrior race with an appetite for battle and power. Broly is the deadliest and most powerful saiyan known to history and is also known as the Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly’s power level was so enormous at birth, it put fear in King Vegeta. Broly’s power level matched the King’s and it was predicted Broly will eventually surpass the royal bloodline. King Vegeta ordered Broly to be killed. Even though the attempt was fatal, Broly survived. As a result, Broly’s power doubled and at that point in time, he the strongest saiyan alive. The increase in power allowed infant Broly to shield himself and his father from the explosion of Planet Vegeta. Broly grew to become an uncontrolled superpower capable of destroying planets, solar systems and galaxies, all to feed his desire for destruction.

broly vs goku

Lower class saiyan babies are jettisoned into the universe, to selected planets to be conquered. It seems odd to DBZ fans on why Broly was created with a subconscious annoyance with Goku, simply because of his constant crying as an infant. This hatred for Goku remained with Broly into adulthood which is also confusing to readers to how Broly would recognize Goku in adult form. Goku was destined to purge life on Earth and Broly set to be executed. Through many unforeseen circumstances, their destinies changed, Broly turned out to be the destroyer of the universe while Goku became the protector. In all respects, Broly and Goku is the representation of the light and darkness of the saiyan race.


Comic fans often wonder how Broly would fair against the Z fighters’ most difficult opponents: Kid Buu and Omega Shenron. In the DBZ anime, all the Z fighters including Goku eventually tires out in battle. Replenishment of power comes from available senzu beans or borrowed energy, tactics Broly doesn’t need since he wields the legendary form. Broly’s power would increase dramatically during the intense battle and its even possible that in either battle, Broly could jump through the different levels of super saiyan. Kid Buu would need to absorb Omega Shenron to gain an advantage on Broly. Comic fans even discussed fantasy crossover battles between Broly, Superman and the Hulk. Superman and the Hulk have a lack of knowledge on ki manipulation, so how would they able to withstand Broly’s sheer force? Since Broly appeared to be defeated prematurely in the animated movies, DBZ fans refuse to let the idea of Broly die. Broly’s life is extended in the DBZ universe through video game storylines. Will we get a new set of movies welcoming the return of Broly?!..

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Broly goes to DeviantArt artist Wizyakuza. Check out his gallery!

broly fan art



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Venom is apart of an alien race of symbiotes, when bonded with a host, becomes a powerful warrior taking on the personality and physical attributes of its host. What makes these symbiotes seem villainous is when they bond with a host, the symbiote would feed off the chemicals released from the host’s body, chemicals which are released when emotions like anger is triggered. Adrenaline is the chemical symbiotes primarily feed on. If the adrenaline isn’t released in a desired amount for consumption, the symbiote would find another host or dominate the mind and body of its current host( which is usually a superhuman) causing them to engage in extreme activities that would increase the adrenaline levels, eventually leaving the host depleted. Only way to rid oneself of these parasitic symbiotes is by high pitch sound waves or intense flame.

venom 7Spiderman was a perfect bond for the symbiote because as a hero with superpowers, daily crime fighting keeps his adrenaline levels at a high rate and for extended periods of time. Since Spiderman was Venom’s first host, every host after was able to have the powers of Spiderman. Venom became a nemesis to Spiderman after bonding with its next host Eddie Brock. Eddie had a deep hatred toward Spiderman, a hatred in which the symbiote fed on and acted upon as its own.

IMG_20150114_064904The Venom symbiote also has the ability to reproduce. Its offspring bonded with a serial killer becoming the villainous Carnage. Carnage in turn had an offspring called Toxin, which Carnage despised because it believed Toxin would be more powerful than itself and Venom. Eddie Brock eventually rid himself of the Venom symbiote, but small remnants of the symbiote bonded with Brock’s white blood cells creating the symbiote Anti-Venom. The Anti-Venom symbiote does not dominate its host like other symbiotes but does become active and protects its host when Venom or other symbiotes are present. The Anti-Venom symbiote operates like the white bloods in the human body which help defend and cure the body of viruses and infections.

movie venomVenom was featured in the live action film Spiderman 3, much to the disapproval of comic fans. Most comic fans expected a bulky powerful Venom as seen in cartoon and comic book, but instead received a smaller grade Venom who wasn’t as threatening as comic fans were raised to believe. The Spiderman franchise was rebooted in 2012 with better graphics and story line. Will Venom also get a recreated look? A look that comic fans would love and recognize as the true Venom?….


Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Venom goes to DeviantArt artist Scundo. What type of power would Venom have if it did bond with the Spawn armor?
