Sinestro was known as one of the greatest Green Lanterns in the Corps. With his own sense of power and control, Sinestro began to believe he could rule in his own egotistical way. Sinestro became obsessed that fear could establish a new order in the corrupt universe. His actions led him to the dark side of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. Once there, Sinestro became creator and leader of the Sinestro Corps, using fear to dominate his sector of the universe.
Would you agree Sinestro and Anakin Skywalker are similar, regarding their paths going from light to dark? Despite his rule, Sinestro joined with his rivals to fight the darkest side of the spectrum, The Black lantern Corps. During this battle, Sinestro bonded with the white entity of life becoming the first White Lantern Corps officer. Similarly, enough, after Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side of the Force, he sided with his son to bring the Sith to an end thus bringing balance back to the Force.
With the release of the 2011 Green Lantern film, Sinestro has made his appearance to the big screen. Who would Green Lantern: Hal Jordan be without Sinestro right? In the post credits of the film, Sinestro is displayed exchanging his green power ring for the newly made yellow power ring, hinting the beginning of the Sinestro Corps. Since the lead role of Hal Jordan is Ryan Reynolds, who is now the lead dominate actor for Deadpool, a reboot film is a must for the future Justice League movies. Will Sinestro still exist in the cinematic universe or was this film the beginning and end for him??
Do you think Sinestro is capable of wielding the Infinity Gems?! With the Infinity Gems, Sinestro would even rival the cosmic bodies that power each lantern. He would even have the power to rival the guardians and gods of the universe. How would this power affect him? Would Sinestro become an agent for good or evil?
Comic Multiverse Fan Favorite artwork of Sinestro goes to DeviantArt artist, codename: felipemassafera.
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