
Atrocitus made his introduction to the comic world in the Blackest Night comic series. The Red Lantern Corps is the third strongest corps next to the White and Black Lantern Corps. After losing his family to the Manhunters, Atrocitus was consumed by anger and rage, which fueled his revenge against the Guardians of the Universe. As leader of the Red Lantern Corps, recruiting soldiers wouldn’t be difficult. Many characters throughout all comic universes has gone through intense states of rage

After the Blackest Night introduction, Atrocitus and his Red Lantern Corps made a quick transition to television in the Green Lantern Animated Series Cartoon. This is the third Lantern Corps that has made a live appearance along with the Blue Lantern Corps. Will Atrocitus ever make it to the movie screen or was the animated cartoon series the first and last time comic fans will see the Leader and Master of rage?..

What if….. Atrocitus went too far to make sure his Corps was the most dominant among them all. What if Atrocitus recruited powerful Sith Lords or even Dark Phoenix herself? Can Atrocitus and his fantasy members be stopped?! To Be Continued.

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Atrocitus goes to DevianArt artists, code names: vassdeviant and xXNightblade08Xx .


Darth Vader

Leaving the light side of the Force, then turning to the dark side, Darth Vader became one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the galaxy. As the military general of the New Galactic Empire, Vader enforced the Chancellor’s rule with fear and destruction, eliminating any who opposed the Empire. Darth Vader destroyed the Jedi Order, who believed that Anakin would be the one to bring balance to the Force.

vader troops

Vader’s use of fear and rage suggest that he could be inducted in either the Sinestro Corps or Red Lantern Corps. Which Lantern Corps do you think would be perfect for Vader? Either way Vader wouldn’t need his conventional ways of travel or weaponry. This would come from his mental abilities over either power ring. Vader would be among the strongest if inducted in either Corps.


Vegeta’s use of a gravity machine helped enhance his physique and mentality, resulting in master control over his increased power levels. If such machine were created for Vader, how powerful will he become? Outside the intense gravity, Vader can move much faster than before. The weight of his robotic enhancements would no longer hinder him. Confident with his training, Darth Vader wouldn’t hesitate to overthrow Sidious, who would also feel the power of Vader when emerging from such machine.

darth vader training

Even though Darth Vader is a powerful Sith next to his master Darth Sidious, some believe Vader could be outmatched by the Sith Lord Darth Malgus. It’s possible because Darth Malgus mobility isn’t restricted by his armor in combat. Also, Malgus makes use of the Force Lightning technique in his fighting style, which is the same technique that brought Vader to his death. Comic fans even believe Dr. Doom could even rival the Dark Lord. If Dr. Doom learned the ways of the Force in addition to his powers, could he become the most powerful Sith that ever lived?……..

vader vs

Through time, the story of Darth Vader has grown with the help of Disney. How did you like the Kenobi Series? We get to see the younger Vader take on Obi Wan Kenobi, even see Vader before he captures Leia in a New Hope. Two changes in the designs Comic Multiverse would have made with the last battle between Kenobi in Vader. In the Revenge of the Sith as Vader’s mask is placed on him for the first time, you can see a digital layout in the lenses, similar to Iron Man‘s helmet. This should have been emphasized more right before Vader fights Kenobi or when Vader takes on the Rebel troops aboard their ship, just to show how Vader views the environment especially in the dark. Also once Kenobi cut through Vader’s helmet, we should have seen Anakin’s eyes glow yellow for using excessive amounts of the Dark Side to stay alive as he retreats to his ship. Vader leaving Obi Wan instead would have made his statement in a New Hope flow with the natural story as he says ” When I LEFT YOU, I was but the learner, now I am the Master.” What did you think about the reimagined version of the Vader and Kenobi fight in a New Hope?


Comic Multiverse Fan Favorite artwork of Darth Vader goes to DeviantArt artist JakeMurray. Excellent Artwork!





Unlike the heroics of Wolverine, Sabretooth‘s thirst for blood is that of a wild savage beast. His mutation altered his physical appearance, giving him features of a carnivorous animal. Out of fear from his unstable parents, Sabretooth suffered a cruel and abusive childhood. Because of this, Sabretooth became a mentally unstable, feral beast that kills mercilessly and brutally for personal satisfaction. His acts of serial killings categorized him as one of Marvel Comics most dangerous villains.


Because of his mutation, Sabretooth is an excellent survivalist. His mutant abilities are similar to the predatory animals of the forest. He can survive in subzero temperatures, track down prey items via super enhanced senses: scent and sight, either day or pitch dark.  Just imagine if humans had these animalistic abilities. We could live efficiently in the wilderness without the worries of fire materials to cook, heating, light and sense of  location. Let’s not forget, the healing factor would protect against all potential threats against the body internally or externally, giving humans extended lifespans….

sabertooth king

Sabretooth made his live appearances in X-Men and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Many comics fans would agree that Tyler Mane‘s portrayal of Sabretooth was a better choice than Liev Schreiber, mainly due to physical appearance. Sabretooth is known to be physically superior to Wolverine as shown throughout the comics and in the 2000 X-Men film. In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Sabretooth was overpowered by the adamantium enhanced Wolverine, which brought confusion among comic fans because adamantium always held back Wolverine or Sabretooth’s potential. Which film do you think gave the best portrayal of the feral mutant known as Sabretooth??

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Sabretooth goes to DeviantArt artist: allengeneta. Check out more of his artwork!


The Joker

The Joker is ranked among the top comic book villains of all time. The Joker was first depicted in DC Comics as a comedic style criminal of Gotham City and a nuisance to its society with his prankster antics. The Joker was later created as a dark villain: a homicidal, psychopathic terrorist who kills mercilessly for amusement. The Joker’s appearance and ruthless personality, brings fear in any organization within the criminal underworld.

joker vs batmanThe Joker became twisted with evil from the loss of his wife and child, then becoming physically deformed in a confrontational accident with the Dark Knight. The Joker believes Batman created him to be the negative side the hero couldn’t become: a killer. The Joker operates out of many hideouts when running the streets of Gotham or is held in his public domain Arkham Asylum. The Joker outfits himself in bright colors like that of a clown or jester, thus receiving the title Clown Prince of Crime. In Gotham City, The Joker represents complete chaos while Batman represents dominant order.

On film, The Joker’s character profile is parallel with the comic book version. In the 1989 Batman, Jack Nicholson played the theatrical criminal with a spontaneous sense of crude humor, with mild violence suitable for most audiences. Heath Ledger shed more light to The Joker’s dark and ruthless nature in The Dark Knight, much approved by comic fans worldwide. In the Suicide Squad, The Joker is played by Jared Leto  as a rockstar with an unpredictable behavior and a demented mindset. Last but least Joaquin Phoenix becomes the Joker in his feature film, displaying his beginning and what led him to his vile personality. Since the release of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, comic fans feel Ben Affleck surpassed Christian Bale‘s popularity as Batman. Will Jared Leto become the top Joker to match the new and improved Batman? Or has the Clown Prince of Crime reached his cinematic limit?

joker7Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of The Joker goes to DeviantArt artist: jossielara.

joker fan art

Lord Beerus

beerus jj

Dragonball Z is now Dragonball Super, an era where Earth defenders are battling among gods. Lord Beerus, God of Destruction is the new villain who’s purpose is to destroy planets, thus bringing balance in the cosmos. Lord Beerus resembles the appearance of the Egyptian God Set, with destructive power like Sekhmet. The only thing that seems to distract Beerus from his destructive quest is the taste of unique foods. Because of this, Earth is spared as long as Beerus appetite is satisfied.

beerus vs goku

Even though Lord Beerus is classified a villain because of his destructive nature, he is responsible for making Goku and Vegeta aware of the saiyan god. Although Beerus is a god, he has a martial arts master named Whis, who is responsible for training Beerus and the saiyans to use their god forms. The saiyans trained immensely to master their new powers but still fall short of Beerus’ might individually. Broly and Omega Shenron are two powerful villains that Earth defenders had to face. Omega Shenron is the negative force of Shenron, created from the overuse of the dragonballs. Broly is a saiyan born with abnormal energy reserves that continues to grow rapidly during combat without ever fatiguing. Since both super villains have an overwhelming sense for destruction and with proper training, could Broly or Omega Shenron take on the role as God of Destruction?

beerus vs omega shenron

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Lord Beerus goes to the DeviantArt artist NovaSayajinGoku.

lord beerus fand


Lady Deathstrike

lady deathstrike

Lady Deathstrike is a combination of adamantium and futuristic robotic cybernetics infused into a trained Japanese assassin. Her father Lord Dark Wind is a brilliant scientist/crime lord responsible for discovering the process of bonding adamantium to human bones. Yuriko’s loyalty to her father is similar to the relationship between Ra’s Al Ghul and Talia. She serves her father or battles against him as she sees fit, eventually taking over the father’s vision of domination.

thalia and ra's

Wolverine became a primary enemy to Lady Deathstrike because of his adamantium skeleton. The blueprints for fusing adamantium to bone was stolen from Lord Dark Wind in earlier years,  then later used on Wolverine in the Weapon X Program. His healing factor was the key to the survival of the procedure, resulting in an indestructible super soldier. This creation Deathstrike felt belonged her family and will kill Wolverine to get that honor back even though she fails many times. Despite the tension between the two characters, it was once believed Yuriko and Wolverine was once in a romantic relationship and even married, but this was merely confused with his relationship with Mariko.

lady deathstrike vs wolverine

Lady Deathstrike is among Marvel’s least popular villains but was able to make a live action appearance in X2: X-men United. She is a bodyguard assassin to William Stryker, the sergeant responsible for the Weapon X program. Do you think Deathstrike was portrayed well in that film or could she had a better role in either X-Men Origins: Wolverine or The Wolverine?

lady deathnn

Comic fans suggest that Warblade could be more than a match for Lady Deathstrike. They have many concept similarities that make them an interesting battle. But if you compare these characters to the T-1000 vs T-800 bout in Terminator 2, liquid metal is a more powerful killing machine than robotics.

lady deathstrike warblade

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Lady Deathstrike goes to DeViantArt artist CrimsonArtz.



Count Dracula


Count Dracula is one of the most popular stories in folklore. A creature of the night that drinks the blood of living beings, creates replica minions known as vampires, empowered with super strength and immortality. Dracula and the vampire world of known weaknesses seem to have dwindled from the holy symbols and sunlight over the years, leading to hybrids like Blade.

hulk vs dracula

With the powers of Dracula, its no surprise that this character has a place in the Marvel and DC Comic Universes. These versions of Dracula encounter the heroes of their dimension, in hopes of gaining a power upgrade, plus a life of servitude from the victim. In the end, the supernatural power of the undead is no match against a living superpowered hero. Count Dracula of DC Comics met his demise by drinking the sun radiated blood of Superman while Count Dracula of Marvel Comics narrowly escaped death from the incredible force of the Hulk.

dracula untold

In cinema, Dracula was the terror of the Transylvania. Many actors have taken the role of Dracula and many haven’t compared to the classic Gary Oldman, Christopher Lee, Max Schreck and Bela Lugosi version. All these storylines are based upon horror until now with the 2014 Dracula Untold. This version gets into why Dracula became a horror tale as we know and the origins of vampirism, which you see that dates before Dracula, back to Roman Times and before….

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Dracula goes to the DeviantArt artist: Lanka-ultra. Excellent artwork! Gerard Butler as Dracula in Dracula 2000.

dracula fan art


new galactusGalactus is classified villain in the Marvel Universe. This is because countless planets were destroyed during consumption while Galactus replenished his energy. Consuming planets for energy is considered natural for Galactus, but in the eyes of some heroes such as the Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer, this is perceived an act of genocide. As Galactus consumes these countless worlds, intelligent life perish in the process. Are we as humans villains to planet Earth? We create and consume genetically modified plants and animals for food and clothing. We deplete resources and create global warming, all in efforts to find efficient ways of energy to sustain the population. Are we harming our planet more than helping it?gglGalactus and his Heralds are similar to Apocalyspe and his Horsemen. Galactus creates Heralds to find worlds suitable for consumption. Apocalypse uses his horsemen to help conquer Earth and transform the population into mutants. Both Galactus and Apocalypse has made changes within their guardsmen. This is either because his subjects sided with heroes against their creator or they were destroyed in battle. Galactus visions of dominance are on a universal scale while Apocalypse primarily sets his sights on Earth. galactus g4From the comic book, Galactus appeared in television shows and video games. The idea of Galactus has reached the movie screen but why so vague? The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer film featured the idea of Galactus but not much of an image fans recognize. Could the movie have been better if an image of Galactus in Ultimate Alliance was used? Will Galactus be apart of the upcoming Infinity War movies like his involvement in the comic book?new galactus 14Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Galactus goes to deviantArt artist, codename: Baldasseroni. Excellent work!

new galactus fan work






loki5Loki is a villain with many aliases, which all stem around deception. Loki has become a physical manifestation of his feelings towards his origins. Believing to be a son of Odin, only to find out he’s the son of  Laufey, King of Jotunheim. The Frost Giants are sworn enemies to the throne of Asgard. Being lied to his entire life left Loki with little regard for being honest and truthful.

imageUpon learning his origins, Loki knew that this was the true reason he could not ascend to the throne of Asgard. Since Thor is naturally to become King, Loki desired to have Thor eliminated and take control of Asgard on many attempts. But why go through the trouble of becoming King of Asgard when he would naturally ascend to the throne of Jotunheim?

Loki has also made his big screen appearance with Thor, Thor: The Dark World and The Avengers. Actor Tom Hiddleston was chosen to play the God of Mischief and is rated A1 among comic fans for performance. Tom is set to play Loki for other upcoming Avengers films like many of the other main cast members. Will Loki play a role in the Infinity War movies since he wasn’t apart of the storyline Infinity Gauntlet? If so, will he fight with his brother Thor as an Avenger or join Thanos to take down his brother once and for all?

new lokiLoki is not the only one to test Thor’s hand or make attempts to claim the throne of Asgard. Doctor Doom has also tried to claim Asgard for himself with great failure. Do you think Doctor Doom is a worthy match for Loki? Who do you think would win in a match up? To be Continued….

loki 4Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Loki goes to DeviantArt artist Rhinoting.

loki fan art


Magneto is one of the most powerful and popular of all Marvel villains. Magneto’s quest to protect his kind has brought conflict around the world, gaining the full attention of governmental powers. Even though Magneto is perceived as a villain, is he really? As a child growing up in concentration camps, he saw the deaths of many people under Hitler’s rule. While many prisoners were experimented on, the Nazi was unaware the true prize lied within young Erik Lehnsherr. A prize that is hidden away in the genetic code of many people, potentially to become a threat or hope for the world in the future…

Its only natural for a child who has experienced those harsh conditions, to become rebellious later in life against worldly rule. Rebellious against an oppressor with a plan to control mutants powers for weapons and locking them away from normal humans. Knowing this, is its justifiable for Magneto to become a dictator against normal human beings? Since Magneto outlook on his future world is negative in nature, its fitting to have a good friend such as Charles Xavier to help bring some balance to his point of view even though they have battled many times via The X-Men.


Magneto is among the many characters that have come from the comic book, to television, game and film. Between Ian Mckellen and Michael Fassbender, who portrayed Magneto’s character on film the best?

Magneto has battled many foes throughout his life. Due to the similarities, do you think Graviton has a chance against the master of magnetism?


Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Magneto goes to the DeviantArt artist LivioRamondelli. Excellent artwork and concept!!

magneto fan