Daredevil vs Batman is among the popular crossover topics discussed by comic fans. This popularity influenced the creation of the intercompany crossover comics: Eye For An Eye and King of New York. Bruce and Matt are the sons of murdered parents, in turn they became avengers to the innocent. Both heroes have clothed themselves in a frightful image to strike fear in the criminal underworld. They have many similarities and differences which makes a crossover battle interesting. Maybe one day, we will see this crossover in live animation like Batman V Superman….
Marvel Comics Hell’s Kitchen is no difference than the Hell’s Kitchen of our world. This section of New York includes low-income housing, violence and gangs. It is a living nightmare or hell as some may see it, so choosing the symbol of a devil seems fitting for Matt Murdock. One major difference between Daredevil and Batman is that Daredevil has intentions on killing his enemies like Bullseye. Even though Bullseye managed to survive death, this categorized Daredevil as an anti-hero. Daredevil may not directly kill someone, but he won’t save them from death either.
Gotham City is a fictional city in the DC Universe. Gotham City is filled with much corruption, ranging from politicians down to the local street gangs. This city has tall gothic architectural style buildings and statues. With this environment Batman strikes the likeness of Dracula. Batman refrains from killing criminals even though his methods of intimidation make a person feel as if death were close. In the end, most criminal are handed over to Gotham Police Department or sent to Arkham Asylum.
Having superpowers gives Daredevil an edge on Batman. His radar sense gives him excellent equilibrium with his martial arts. With his radar sense, Daredevil could hone in on his opponent before even reaching them. This also makes it hard for his enemies or opponents to hide from him. His super reflexes allow Daredevil to avoid most projectile attacks, especially that of a speeding bullet or a flying batarang. His superpower is also his weakness, for example, too much noise at high frequency could overwhelm Daredevil.
Since Batman has no superpowers, he must use his tactical weapons as an extension of himself. Batman’s utility belt is his armory and archive ( archive meaning the utility belt has gadgets made to battle against superhumans he has studied and learned from in the past). Batman has won most of his battles with his arsenal. In the case of Daredevil, it wouldn’t take Batman much time to figure out Daredevil’s abilities and the weaknesses, weaknesses he would take full advantage of it. One blast from Batman’s sonic devastator Daredevil would be immobilized.
Even though this is a battle between the two characters, heroes always benefit from each other instead of fighting. What if Batman enhanced Daredevil’s costume to make it similar to his own? For instance, Batman could re-create Daredevil’s mask to the point where it could dampen harmful incoming sound, eliminating his weaknesses of overwhelming sound waves. Batman could also create a utility belt for Daredevil. It’s main function is a sonic receiver and transmitter. This high-powered utility belt could work in unison with the mask. It could boost Daredevil’s radar sense to the point where the entire city of New York can be viewed from one location, much like Superman scanning over Earth with his super hearing. Also, Batman could create flame throwing gauntlets, which main purpose is to conceal Daredevil’s entry and exit from enemy sight, a theatrical tactic. The outside of the costume could be made in a special Nomex M5 material which would stand against intense heat while the inside become cooler, preventing Matt from burning or overheating while standing in flames…
Daredevil would eventually be outmatched by Batman, many fans think: Well, how about a battle with Nightwing?! It wouldn’t be much of a battle for Nightwing because he was the first trained by Batman, trained so well Nightwing took on the role of Batman for a time. The same result would happen to Daredevil if he battled Nightwing. Because of the radar sense, Daredevil would come second to the arsenal might of Batman or Nightwing. Do you think Daredevil would fit in perfect with the heroes of the bat cave?? Do you think Matt Murdock could be an excellent Batman?
[…] licence DC tandis que Daredevil est sous licences Marvel. Il y a d’ailleurs eu un crossover : Batman – Daredevil: King of New York, dans lequel nps deux héros s’allient contre l’Épouvantail, ennemi de la chauve-souris et […]