Dr. Doom

dr.doom 1Dr. Doom, like many villains or some heroes, started with tragic beginnings. Doom lost his mother from a dealing gone wrong with the devil Mephisto and his father was lost in a grieving attempt to save his mother. Because the tragedy stemming from supernatural forces, Doom heavily indulged in learning science and magic in attempts to save his mother’s soul. Dr. Doom’s desire to gain more knowledge and power consumed him to the point where his actions took a villainous side than heroic. Because of this, Dr. Doom had many run ins with super teams such as The Fantastic Four and the Avengers, stopping his plans of domination.

dr doom 2Dr. Doom’s intellect level is in comparison with Lex Luthor, Reed Richards, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark and even Dr. Strange in various degrees. Dr. Doom has many accomplishments and failures in his conquest of rulership. He has even been able to have the Infinity Gauntlet in his possession. Thanos also felt he was worthy of the Infinity Gauntlet as well, even though he failed its power.

dr.doom 2Dr. Doom has made his appearance on-screen with The Fantastic Four , Rise of the Silver Surfer and the 2015 Fantastic Four. Dr. Doom appeared to be the main villain for each of the Fantastic Four movies. Each film showed small portions of Dr. Doom’s potential as a menacing super villain. With the 2015 reboot of Fantastic Four, Dr. Doom took on a different origin in power. He also took on different look and array of powers, completely erasing any signs of humanity. With these big changes to the character and storyline, the film took a big lost to its ratings and loyalty to comic fans. Are the current adaptations of Dr. Doom the last of his on-screen appearances or can movie producers revive and correct his character development?

new doomComic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Dr. Doom goes to DeviantArt artist TylerWalpole. Excellent Work!!

dr. doom fan art



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  4. […] style, which is the same technique that brought Vader to his death. Comic fans even believe Dr. Doom could even rival the Dark Lord. If Dr. Doom learned the ways of the Force in addition to his […]

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