Ghost Rider

Because of Ghost Rider‘s dark means of justice, he is classified as an anti-hero. Ghost Rider is an anti-hero that was created by dark supernatural forces like Spawn, service to the devil in exchange for one’s soul. Ghost Rider was an agent of evil but later broke free of his hellish servitude. The Ghost Rider uses his dark powers to battle evil and protect the innocent, thus becoming a soul punisher.

Ghost Rider’s supernatural force is among the most powerful in the Marvel Universe. Ghost Rider is karma in physical form. With his dark powers, the Ghost Rider uses the Penance Stare, which burns through his victim’s soul. This power is used to inflict pain on victims, making them feel the pain they have inflicted on others a hundred-fold. On top of that, Ghost Rider’s physical strength is enough to battle a raging Hulk.

Ghost Rider has come to the big screen with the 2007 film Ghost Rider and second film Spirit of Vengeance. Excellent imagery on both movies, but which one was better to you? Do you think Nicholas Cage was an excellent choice to become Johnny Blaze? Since Ghost Rider is a dark character, do you agree that these films should’ve pushed for an R rating?

Ghost Rider and Spawn has many similarities to their origins of power. This brought interest among comic fans on which one would win in battle against each other. Which character do you stand with in this battle? To be continued…

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Ghost Rider goes to the deviantArt artist, codename: TovMauzer. Excellent Work!



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