Godzilla Vs Kong is the sequel film to Godzilla: King of Monsters and Kong: Skull Island. Godzilla vs King Kong is a classic battle that was created back in 1962 and now being revisited with today’s advanced cinematics. Godzilla Vs Kong is among the many hit films to be released through HBOMax because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite this, the film grossed $468.2 million from a $200 million dollar budget.
Since the events of Skull Island, humans discovered that the Earth still contains massive animals that predate human existence. It’s unclear to the audience based on the movie timelines, how humans come from trespassing enemies on Skull Island, to becoming caretakers to Kong. In Godzilla: King Of Monsters, Ghidorah‘s flight path manipulates weather, causing even the storm surrounding Skull Island to turn inward, making the environment unstable for the inhabitants. In turn Monarch developed a dome structure that simulates Skull Island’s calm weather where Kong could live without interference. Also, during this time, Monarch discovered that the Earth has subterranean levels where life could exist and believes this is where Kong is originally from. To their surprise, they find out the ancestors of Kong and Godzilla have been at war for some time. Eventually Hollow Earth became Kong’s new home, far from the influences of the world above.
After the battle with the Titans of his first two films, Godzilla is considered the savior for the human race. During the aftermath, the rival company to Monarch named Apex Cybernetics is developing systems that could replicate the powers demonstrated by the monsters. One of their devices is giving off a pulse which Godzilla finds threatening, sending him on a rampage to destroy it. The destruction and death left behind by Godzilla began to change the public view of the Titan. This narrative is what Apex Cybernetics uses to justify the need to destroy Godzilla. In the ending scene of King of Monsters, a single head of the Ghidorah was retrieved to be salvaged for unknown purposes. Movie fans believed that Mecha-King Ghidorah would make an appearance, instead MechaGodzilla was born. Without the combined forces of Godzilla and Kong, both Titans would have perished, and the world would be in jeopardy. With the defeat of MechaGodzilla, Godzilla regained his trust among the humans and reclaimed the throne as King of the Monsters on Earth.
Godzilla and Kong face off twice in this film, once at sea and at the classic stage of Hong Kong. Godzilla’s amphibious nature helped the Titan completely dominate Kong in the ocean, nearly killing him and the Monarch crew. On land Kong had a better advantage but was still outmatched when Godzilla releases the atomic breath. With his defeat, Kong didn’t submit to his rival, instead gave him a respect as a worthy opponent. It seems that Titans are unclear of their opponents’ intentions, and both are not looking for a fight unless provoked. If prequel film is created, it should be about the ancient war between the ancestors of the Godzilla and Kong in Hollow Earth. The story could explain how the Titans eventually discovered the surface world with the humans.
The MechaGodzilla was an interesting machine brought to the cinematics. The Ghidorah neuropathways allowed the deceased Dragon to be resurrected in a new body. What type of threat would MechaGodzilla be if taking under control from either Megatron or Ultron? Megatron goal was to always enslave humanity as a conqueror while Ultron is looking to destroy all organic life and replace it with machines like the Terminators. Or is the mechanical Titan too strong for both Megatron or Ultron and could possibly destroy them both…?
Check out Sideshow Collectibles for Godzilla vs Kong statues. You don’t want to miss out!
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