Mystique is a master of disguise, because her mutant ability allows her to morph into any human or mutant at will. Mystique often mimics human forms because her blue skin stands out to public ridicule and torment. In addition to her morphing powers, Mystique’s level as an expert hand to hand combatant and covert operative rivals Black Widow, Domino and even Solid Snake in the world of espionage. Mystique is a foe that battles the X-Men on many occasions, primarily alongside her Brotherhood of Mutants, which is led by Magneto.
In the beginning, Mystique used her power to blend into society. While living the lives of various people, Mystique spawned two children. Her first child was Graydon Creed, a result of her fling with Sabretooth. Graydon was born a normal human who later became part of the political parties wanting to eradicate those with the X-Gene. Mystique’s next child was Nightcrawler, a result of her secret affair with Azazel. NightCrawler was also rejected by humans because of his physical appearance. Mystique later adopted Rogue as her own child when Rogue ran away from home at an early age. Rogue and NightCrawler later grew up to be a part of the X-Men, battling their own mother on different occasions…
Mystique made her live movies features with X-Men 1, 2, 3, First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. The image design for Mystique has changed from the comic book when introduced to the big screen. The smooth blue skinned; white appareled female was replaced with a naked reptilian skinned mutant. This gave Mystique a more abnormal look, putting more emphasis on her mutation. Did the change hurt Mystique’s character profile or did movie producers make an excellent choice?
Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Mystique goes to the DeviantArt artist: JamieFayx.
[…] Also in this film, he has no knowledge of the X-Men , especially with Storm, Jean Grey or even Mystique. In X-Men Apocalypse, it’s a younger Nightcrawler who is saved from cage fighting by Mystique […]