

new batmanBatman, also known as The Dark Knight, is a crime fighter of Gotham City. Despite being known as a hero, Batman is viewed as a vigilante and even a criminal in the eyes of law enforcement. Batman public persona Bruce Wayne, is a multi billionaire and polymath. Using his resources, Bruce Wayne can successfully manage being a crime fighter with use of special made gadgets, vehicles and costumes, much like Iron Man.wpid-img_20141016_074707.jpgBatman is one of many heroes with no superpowers. But what if he did? What if Batman was a daywalker vampire like Blade or has vampiric powers that manifest at night like Nina Price? This would make sense for Batman to have these supernatural powers since he battled Dracula himself. Having these supernatural powers could magnify the fearful image of Batman a thousand fold. Would comics fans accept a new and improved Batman? Just imagine the Dark Knight with powers of Dracula, as shown in the film Dracula Untold. Do you think Batman could take on Superman more effectively this way?

Being a strong-willed and fearless warrior is what makes Batman one of the greatest heroes to enter in the world of crime fighting. Dedicating his life to fight injustice, Batman uses his resources to help form and support the Justice League. As second in command, Batman is in charge of global surveillance and communications. Batman is the third most important member of the Justice League next to Superman and Wonder Woman. batman ffBatman has become a master of his mind, body and emotions. Having considerable willpower and using fear against injustice, Batman is an excellent candidate for both the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro Corps. Even though Batman was believed to have perished by Darkseid , the false Batman was recruited to the Black Lantern Corps. Later revealed to be among the living, the real Batman was recruited to the The White Lantern Corps. Which Lantern Corps do you think best suits Batman?

sinestro corp batmanThe greatest asset that Batman has is his mind. Because of his development over the years, comic fans would believe that Batman could pretty much beat all superheroes and villains in a battle if enough research was completed. Because of this, you would find Batman in crossover battles against Spawn, Superman, Iron Man and even Dracula. Is Batman really the greatest crime fighter throughout all comics?

batmanLike many characters, Batman has evolved from the comic book to movie screen. Which was your favorite Batman film? Batman has been portrayed by many actors by none have stayed to keep Batman flourishing in cinema. Which actor do you think was the best Batman?

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Batman goes to DeviantART artist Dave-Wilkins. Check out Dave-Wilkins complete portfolio!


Joker 2019


The Joker has made a grand appearance each time his character is reimagined in cinema. Joaquin Phoenix will portray the iconic villain, hoping to supercede the last great performance made by Heath Ledger. From the trailer we see there is a dark undertone, giving this film an official R-rating. We don’t see any signs of the Dark Knight in this film, for it’s suggested that this Joker is intended to launch DC Black, a series of DC-based standalone films. What are your expectations for this film? Do you think this is the ultimate Joker and if this movie succeeds, will this Joker be apart of the new Batman storyline when it arrives? Joker will arrive in theaters October 4th, don’t miss it!

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Joker is by the artist: NEOZUMI! Check out his works on DeviantArt!!!!!


The Batman

Robert Pattinson will become the sixth Batman in the DC cinematic universe. This movie is another take on the Batman, resembling Batman Year One and it’s dark theme is similar to The Crow. This movie will feature the anti hero CatWoman and the villains The Riddler, Penguin and Carmine Falcone. The Batman releases October 1, 2021, but will possibly be pushed back because of the Covid-19 pandemic. How will Robert Pattinson measure up to the Batmen before him?

Comic/Reality Crossover


Powers and abilities of heroes and villains has evolved to greater heights since their origins. This happens through time, when new writers bring fresh ideas to character development. Crossover topics became popular among comic fans, making readers wonder which character would rank at the top of his or her class. Live action crossover films or animations like Michael Habjan’s Superman vs Hulk are exciting short films comic fans would love to see all the time. The is could be the reason Marvel has announced they will release the What If….TV series, further satisfying comic fans need for the many possibilities a story could have. Comic fans have speculated and debated on who the strongest heroes are and the most destructive villains throughout all the comic book universes. What creates these crossover scenarios is the focus on the powers and abilities of the characters and then how their strengths and weaknesses compare to each other. Comic crossovers has been created through many publications such as the Crossover Classics, Spawn vs Batman , SpiderMan and Batman and the Amalgam Age of Comics.

crossover publications

Let’s think about our own reality. The characters we know are all ideas from creative writers. With so much history of these unique characters, comics fans and even the creators fantasized on if supernatural powers could be real. But think, do humans have the hidden potential that has yet to be discovered? Stephen Hawking Universe gives us a perspective on our place in the universe and the awareness that infinite worlds exist in cosmos. The idea that the solar system is a huge model of how an atom functions, creates the belief that the solar systems of the universe could be the atoms to a greater being…..

Astronomers have sent out radio signals throughout our space exploration history, in search of intelligence. This was the inspiration for films such as Contact. Scientific studies have shown that the brain is a transmitter and receiver of vibrational frequencies like a radio, but much more powerful than any on our planet. Now think for a moment, what if the ideas of comic writers are in fact mental transmissions from other worlds in the universe that contains such characters and cosmic beings?

Lets’s look sci-fi films. Do you believe there are movies that hint some truths about the universe and our hidden potentials? In the film The LawnMower Man, the character Jobe explains that the unnaturally phenomenon such as telekinesis, isn’t new but a dormant natural function of man.

Humans are known to use approximately 10%-15% brain power. What will happen if we could use 100% in our daily lives, pushing the brain’s alpha waves to the maximum? Will we then become our original design? The human body has evolved and still evolving through each generation. Take this news clip of a boy who can see in the dark.

Haven’t we seen this before with Riddick? When you ask most people on Earth who created humans, they would answer by saying God. Is that the truth, or is that a myth told throughout time to hide who really designed our biological machines we call the human body?

Is it human evolution or self-realization? Do we have the dormant genetic codes that could produce feats of power some would consider unnatural like the world of the X-Men, or even portrayed in the popular TV Series Heroes? What are the true limits of our humanity?

Has human’ true potential been mentally locked away through the years of developing social structure such as religion, governments, and rationalization? What if the Matrix trilogy is explaining how to break such mental control on how we view our reality, from a worldly to universal standpoint?

Just imagine if everyone on Earth could use 100% of their mental and physical potential. Immortality could be very possible and the world order would never be the same. Instead of waging war over resources and power, we must come to realize that we are one race of beings among billions of life forms, intelligent and unintelligent throughout the universe. How are we to protect ourselves against natural or unnatural universal catastrophes when we are busy dominating each other? For example, movies such as Knowing and 2012 display natural occurrences that happen throughout the cosmos on planetary systems. This natural occurrence would be described as the planet cleansing itself. Or, movies such as Independence Day and Battleship which display intelligent life forms in the universe that may or may not come to Earth in peace. What real defense do we have against forces like these?

Comics books is another avenue that fills the void of such possibilities. Heroes are created with special gifts, natural or artificial that help defend against forces outside of human comprehension, till the day we learn to free our minds….

The Batman Movie Review!!!

DC Comics presents the 6th incarnation of The Batman, with Robert Pattinson taking the role of the Dark Knight. To date this film grossed $771 million worldwide from a budget of $200 million, quickly bringing a sequel in the works. The cinematography gives the same feeling as the movie Joker, displaying the dark and gritty side of Gotham City. With James Gunn as the new Co-chairman and Co-Ceo of Dc Comics, will this version of Batman be able to become a three-movie series like the Christopher Nolan Batman?

This is a young Batman two years in the making and is not looked upon as a hero just yet. The Batcave is in an abandon subway station under Wayne Tower, his tech is in development and limited. The bat suit is a working progress but very effective in its early stages.  The suit is able to stop high caliber bullets, survive explosions and can form into a wingsuit allowing Batman to glide thru the city’s skyscrapers. The Gotham Police Department frowns upon Jim Gordon, portrayed by Jeffrey Wright, for considering Batman as an ally and allowing him to interfere in police investigations. The history of Bruce Wayne’s parents is different from what we know from the comics and movie adaptations. Thomas Wayne was associated with the crime boss Carmine Falcone after saving his life and Martha Wayne was mentally ill, even being a patient of Arkham Hospital.

 Zoe Kravitz is the 4th actress to play Gotham City’s cat burglar and the third to be of African American decent to portray the character. In this film Selina is the daughter of the crime boss Carmine Falcone and works in the gritty Iceberg Club. Selina’s friend became mixed up with Gotham’s underworld, prompting Selina to protect her at all costs.  Selina later joins Batman in his crusade to bring the corrupt to justice before leaving Gotham City behind.

Colin Ferrell is the Penguin in this film with excellent performance. There were many changes from the first Penguin in Batman Returns played by Danny DeVito. Tim Burton made his Penguin closely related to the one in the comics, a man living in the sewers with a bird appearance and custom weapons concealed in umbrellas. The Penguin created by Matt Reeves runs the Iceberg Club seemingly as a legitimate businessman but also is associated with some of Gotham’s powerful upper class in illegal activities. With the success of this film, HBO Max has allotted the character to have his own spin-off series just like they did for the PeaceMaker.

This Riddler brought suspense to the film with his serial killings similar to Jigsaw. His murders were puzzles for Batman specifically to figure out while bringing fear to the upper class and police department of Gotham. He believed he is bringing justice to the city like Batman even though his methods are brutal. The Riddler was portrayed by Paul Dano and Jim Carrey played the character previously in Batman Forever. Carrey’s Riddler was based around the actor’s comical persona on films and television.

What was your overall impression of The Batman by Matt Reeves? Does this film measure up to the previous Batmen or do you think it fell short of expectations? Leave your thoughts below and check out SideShow Collectables for The Batman’s statues!



The Joker

The Joker is ranked among the top comic book villains of all time. The Joker was first depicted in DC Comics as a comedic style criminal of Gotham City and a nuisance to its society with his prankster antics. The Joker was later created as a dark villain: a homicidal, psychopathic terrorist who kills mercilessly for amusement. The Joker’s appearance and ruthless personality, brings fear in any organization within the criminal underworld.

joker vs batmanThe Joker became twisted with evil from the loss of his wife and child, then becoming physically deformed in a confrontational accident with the Dark Knight. The Joker believes Batman created him to be the negative side the hero couldn’t become: a killer. The Joker operates out of many hideouts when running the streets of Gotham or is held in his public domain Arkham Asylum. The Joker outfits himself in bright colors like that of a clown or jester, thus receiving the title Clown Prince of Crime. In Gotham City, The Joker represents complete chaos while Batman represents dominant order.

On film, The Joker’s character profile is parallel with the comic book version. In the 1989 Batman, Jack Nicholson played the theatrical criminal with a spontaneous sense of crude humor, with mild violence suitable for most audiences. Heath Ledger shed more light to The Joker’s dark and ruthless nature in The Dark Knight, much approved by comic fans worldwide. In the Suicide Squad, The Joker is played by Jared Leto  as a rockstar with an unpredictable behavior and a demented mindset. Last but least Joaquin Phoenix becomes the Joker in his feature film, displaying his beginning and what led him to his vile personality. Since the release of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, comic fans feel Ben Affleck surpassed Christian Bale‘s popularity as Batman. Will Jared Leto become the top Joker to match the new and improved Batman? Or has the Clown Prince of Crime reached his cinematic limit?

joker7Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of The Joker goes to DeviantArt artist: jossielara.

joker fan art

The Flash Movie Review!!!!

The Flash made way to the theatres grossing $270.6 million dollars to date. This anticipated film had a slow start in the box office before taking in a little past its budget. There were mixed reviews from critics and comic fans alike on why this film didn’t become a smash hit as expected. Could it be because of the negative controversy surrounding Ezra Miller or did comic fans want the plot closely related to Flashpoint comic series? Or maybe, the reason is because of James Gunn‘s decision to eliminate the SynderVerse and reboot the DC Cinematic Universe to his image. Every new variation of DC characters was excellent until now. Can James Gunn measure up to those before him with his abrupt stop of the Synderverse and its actors?

Ezra Miller returns as the Scarlet Speedster with an upgraded costume and newfound ability to travel back in time via the Speed Force. Since the Justice League movie, Batman holds Barry with special importance as if he was a new version of Robin. In the mist of correcting the death of his mother, Barry ultimately creates the Dark Flash who is the future version of himself still attempting to correct timeline mistakes. Dark Flash is not to be confused with Reverse Flash as most fans would assume, especially since this film loosely based upon the Flashpoint comics. Instead, Dark Flash is similar to Black Flash, an entity created from the Speed Force itself to prevent any threat that may enter or manipulate the void. This could be identified in the scene when Dark Flash knocks Barry out the Speed Force dimension.

The sequence of Batfleck is the last amazing cinematography of the character under the vision of Zack Synder. In every feature or cameo made of Batman, his costume changed due to the circumstance of his situation. In this movie, like Adam West, Batfleck not only battled crime in broad daylight but also sported the classic blue, grey and gold attire. This colored armor is used for motorcycle function, able to withstand high speed road rash and collision. Supposedly, there was to be an after-credit scene of Batfleck but was later scraped due to James Gunn reboot of the DC Universe. Was this scene possibly staging the second Justice League movie or even Batfleck’s solo movie series?

Micheal Keaton has returned as the Dark Knight once again after 31 years! Keaton’s actions sequences as Batman are on par if not better than his first two appearances! What would have made the film more personal during the first moments of Keaton was having a portrait of Alfred Pennyworth in the mansion and an explanation on how Bruce handled his death, as his last family member. Another cool concept to see was visual flashbacks on how Gotham has changed for the better since Batman Returns and even the whereabouts of Selina Kyle. Like Batfleck, Keaton also has the classic grey blue and gold costume in his arsenal. Do you think Keaton should have worn the classic suit for this film? Most comic fans believe Michael Keaton is cinema’s favorite Batman followed by Christian Bale. Michael’s Batman was the first cinematically to show that Batman’s cape functions as a tool instead of being the suit’s design. Both Bale and Keaton displayed Batman in flight that we always wanted to see. The gliding function of the cape substituted the comic version of Batman grappling and swinging from rooftop to rooftop like Spiderman.

In the Flashpoint comic series, Superman was the one captured by the US military when crash landing to Earth as a child. In this film Kara Zor El took on that role, but instead of being in US custody, she was discovered and held prisoner by the Russians, like the Red Son Superman. Supergirl was portrayed by actress Sasha Calle, who is of Colombian decent. Because of this, it brought mixed feelings among comic fans because of what they are used to from comic blueprints and live action sequences from television series.  Do you think Sasha Calle was a good fit for the part or if not, who would have been a better choice? Barry’s ethnicity was also altered when his mother was portrayed with Latin decent. Are ethnic changes a new avenue for the cinematic universe than the comic blueprints? Michael Shannon‘s role as General Zod was revived as well, on the hunt for the Codex to rebuild Krypton. Unlike Man of Steel, Supergirl was the carrier of the genetic material even though it was never explained how she obtained it before Krypton’s destruction.

The Flash Batman GIF - Batman GIFs

Overall, the film was great visually but could have used more creative depth in the story to be closely on par with the Flashpoint Paradox and being that this and AquaMan 2 is the last of the SynderVerse. What were your thoughts on The Flash?  Leave your comments below and check out SlideShow Collectibles for the latest statues of The Flash, Affleck Batman, Michael Keaton Batman and SuperGirl!!


wpid-hawkeye-1.png.pngHawkeye is known as the World’s Greatest Marksmen. He has excellent precision when aiming or randomly throwing or firing weapons. The title of the World’s Greatest Marksmen is challenged by Bulleye, for he has the same uncanny levels as a marksmen. Hawkeye is apart of the super team the Avengers and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hawkeye and Black Widow worked for the same organizations which gave them significant time together to form a romantic relationship.


Hawkeye is similar to Nightwing, mainly due to their backgrounds. Both characters suffered the lost of their parents, they were both members of the circus, then eventually entering the crime fighting world. Clint has also used different identities like Dick Grayson. Clint was once Ronin, then with the Pym Particles became Goliath. Before Dick Grayson became Nightwing, he was known as Robin, the sidekick to the Dark Knight..


Hawkeye has surprisingly made his way to the big screen. Surprisingly because he is among the non popular characters of Marvel Comics. Hawkeye is featured on  Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, then moving to the big screen with The Avengers 1 and 2 and Captain America Civil War. Hawkeye is portrayed by actor Jeremy Renner. What if Hawkeye could wield the Epirus Bow from the 2011 film Immortals? Do you think this could be the perfect weapon for Hawkeye, just to keep him on par with his superhuman team members?

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Hawkeye is very similar to the hero Green Arrow of the DC Universe. One difference between the two characters is style. Hawkeye is outfitted in  tactical uniforms while Green Arrow, member of the Justice League, resembles archers in the times of Robin Hood. Also, Green Arrow’s alter ego is Oliver Jonas Queen, the CEO of Queen Industries. Oliver is a wealthy businessman much like Bruce Wayne/ Batman. With his cutting edge in weaponry, Green Arrow is able to contend with whatever gadgets S.H.I.E.L.D may provide Barton. If this battle took place, it would be nothing more than a stalemate. Who do you think would win in a match up between the two archers??

hawk 5

Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Hawkeye goes to the DeviantART artist anklesnsocks.


Joker 2019 Movie Review!!!!!

Joker is a origin story of how Arthur Fleck became the Clown Prince of Crime in Gotham City. Since the opening weekend, Joker has grossed $939.8 million with mixed reviews from comic fans and movie critics like Rotten Tomatoes, who dropped their score for this film since the pre screening review. Despite the mixed reviews, Joker is the #1 rated R movie of all cinematic history. The dark tone was believed to incite violence to the audience as it did in The Dark Knight and fans wondered if Joaquin Phoenix could portray the iconic villain in a way we haven’t seen before.

This story takes place right before the infrastructure collapse of Gotham City. Arthur is among the lower class of Gotham City, living in the projects with his mother and working as a clown, either for party entertainment or street advertising. Arthur suffers from a mental disorder that causes him to laugh hysterical, especially during times of stress, nervousness and anger. Arthur is provided with heavy medication by social services, who is soon be shut down. Despite his hardships, Arthur inspires to become a stand up comedian, take care of his mother and be respected by others.

Despite his efforts for a peaceful life, Arthur was always physical or verbally attacked by people that didn’t understand his mental condition. This movie displayed the underlying tension between the upper and lower class of Gotham City, especially after the deaths of three Wayne employees by Arthur’s hand. Slowly Arthur began losing his sanity, losing his sense of right and wrong, as his personal life began to crumble before him. Arthur began to embrace the attention he received after committing his crimes, believing that crime and chaos would break the spirit of the upper class citizens in Gotham.

The cinematic version of the Joker began with Jack Nicholson in the 1989 film of the Batman. Nicholson’s Joker was more of a prankster than a homicidal maniac. Like the comics, Jack’s Joker became disfigured by falling in a vat of chemicals, turning his skin ghost white and his hair emerald green. This Joker is very similar to the Joker in cartoon series. Heath Ledger was next to portray the villainous character in The Dark Knight. Comic fans have voted that Heath was the best Joker because of how he bent Gotham’s underworld to his will. Heath’s Joker was less focused on prankster antics and more on domination. Suicide Squad brought in the next Joker with Jared Leto. This story of the Joker was about how his relationship began with Harley Quinn. As we seen in the comics and cartoons, Joker treats Harley with kindness and disrespect at the same time. The hoodlum, gangstar look for Joker, with the tattoos and platinum grills, had a disconnect with comic fans. The Joker displayed by Joaquin made the audience sympathize with how the character came to be. Through this story of the Joker, he would seem to be a symbol to the impoverished people of society. Who do you think was the best Joker so far in the cinematic universe?

This film incorporated events that led up to the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne. In all previous versions of the story, The Waynes are leaving the theatre out the side exit leading to a dark alley. What is confusing is why would they leave out the theatre in that direction? Why wasn’t Alfred out front waiting to usher the family in their vehicle? This movie gave a different perspective on that night; riots in the street is what forced the Waynes to run for cover in the alley, only to be spotted by a clown protestor who has a grudge with Thomas Wayne. Ben Affleck retired his role as Batman, moving the position to Robert Pattinson of the Twilight series. Will DC’s cinematic universe keep Joaquin as The Joker so he can face off against the new Batman?

Zoë Kravitz has been announced as the actress to play Catwoman in the upcoming Batman film with Robert Pattinson. Zoë is no stranger to the silver screen, especially in the comic book category. Joe played Angel Salvadore: in X-Men: First Class, was the voice over in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse as Mary Jane and the voice for Catwoman in the Lego Batman movie. If DC Comics decide to bring these actors together in the new Batman storyline, will they be able to beat out there predecessors and become the new fan favorites? Comic Multiverse has rated this movie 9 out of 10. What is your rating for this film and do you think the Batman Universe will ever be secure will the continual changes in character portrayal? Leave your comments below!!