This will be the 6th film in the series of the Terminator. In each film, a newly advanced, liquid Terminator is out to destroy the legacy of Sarah Conner. Dark Fate and Salvation are the only films in the series where humans are turned into cyborgs in attempts to efficiently infiltrate the Resistance, compared to their T-800 counterparts. Linda Carroll Hamilton has returned to portray Sarah since her last appearance in Terminator 2. Her last encounter with the Terminator seemed to be a peaceful truce, why would Sarah seem uneasy about it now where she wants it destroyed? Now that the Terminator(Schwarzenegger) has been upgraded to liquid metal, how will it compare to the newer version from the future in this movie? Terminator: Dark Fate hits theatres November 1st!
Comic Multiverse fan favorite artwork of Terminator: Dark Fate goes to the artist: Bushuart! Check out his works on DeviantArt!
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