Well… well what can we expect from this film?! This will be the third motion picture for the character Thor, and it seems with each movie, the tone changes. The first film was an intro for the character in the cinematic universe. Thor becomes a hero for Earth as well proving himself worthy in his realm of Asgard. Thor’s second film had a darker theme, illustrating the darker enemies of Asgard who seek a destructive weapon for power and control. The film was also a major piece to the upcoming film Infinity War. In this trailer of Ragnarok, we see Asgard once again under attack but this time by Hela, ruler of Valhalla. Mjolnir is destroyed and it looks as if Thor is taken captive and shipped to a distant part of the universe. Now the film changes giving off the similar retro feel we get with the Guardians of the Galaxy film. Thor no longer looking like the hero we recognize. He’s taken on the look of a gladiator and to our surprise, we will see Thor fighting the Hulk once again. We can also see elements of the World War Hulk in play but instantly have fans wondering: how could The Hulk been captured to become a gladiator off Earth? Last, we seen of The Hulk was the Age of Ultron, as he left his team behind after their fight with Ultron. This is the first of many trailers to come, Thor: Ragnarok will release in November….when that time comes who will win in their battle this time: Thor or The Hulk?
[…] was highly anticipated for DC Comics, it slowly grossed through the month of November compared to Thor: Ragnarok. Justice League is based on the comic stories Death and Return of Superman and Justice League: […]