DC Comics is at a good pace creating feature films for their iconic characters. This 2017 feature of Wonder Woman will be the first major female role in the comic universe and she will be the second member of the Justice League to bring a new visual of her history on-screen. The costume design and visual effects created for Woman Woman will bring this character to life, really portraying to the audience how she is a valuable hero and how she measures equally with her male companions. From the preview we see how the Amazons are separated from the world conflicts on the secret island of Themiscyra. In the Justice League trailer, the Amazon warriors are at battle with what could be Darkseid’s legion of Parademons. Will these two movies tie in with one another in some way? Are the Amazons, one of the sole keepers of a Mother Box? Just like in her comic book history, Diana will choose to enter man’s world, putting her training to use fighting for,, well on June 2nd, we will see the details of the conflict!
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